Week 1


In week 1 of TE 303, we learned how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 in order to create 3D models of our designs. We were assigned two different models to create.

Click Here to see the first assignment

Click Here to see the second assignment

Assignment 1:

I started assignment 1 by creating a rough outline of the base of the object, then constrained it to follow the actual shape of the object.

After finishing this sketch, I extruded it 15.00 mm to create the bottom part of the shape

I then created another sketch on the side of the newly extruded object to create the rest of the shape

After this, I extruded out the rest of the shape while maintaining part of the hole that had not already been filled in

After this step, I fixed the hole in the side of the object so that there would be a full hole instead of a partially filled hole

The last step I did was fillet the sharp edge between the lower and higher parts of the object

Assignment 2:

I started assignment 2 with a basic sketch of the base with the correct dimensions

After creating the basic sketch, I extruded each section to its appropriate height (12.00 mm for the side boxes and 40.00 mm for the middlebox)

After the first extrusions, I created a sketch on the top of one of the side boxes for the holes that go through them, after I created the sketch, I extruded out the holes on one side and mirrored the extrusion on the other side of the object

After creating these holes, I filleted the edges of the side pieces to specification

I then created a sketch on the side of the middlebox to extrude the semi-circle at the top of the middlebox

I then created a sketch for the middlebox that needed to be cut out and extruded it to get rid of the material, thus finishing the assignment