It seems like nowadays all we talk about is burnout, and younger people now more than ever are experiencing it. I thought this piece from NY Mag’s Daily Intelligencer was a very interesting write-up about the topic. I also wonder how serious this topic is. How many of us experience it, and is the quarter life crisis a real thing?
“Calling a user a “creator” evokes godlike majesty and importance — when in reality it usually just means that they’re addicted to posting.” I thought this quote was really interesting in the piece you shared, as it is almost insinuating that power is a part of the downfall. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that power seems to be taken more for it’s down side (requirements) instead of it’s positives (liberties). This piece was really interesting as it stresses that content should be more about passion and less about outcome. This topic seems very real to me, and I feel as though a lot of people are experiencing it now as they try to make themselves the most marketable, and to be the best. This seems to be a reasonable thing in terms of school admissions and job search, but the problem is the front of being the best carries over into every day life. Awesome read, thanks for sharing!