A wise man once said, “There is no love more sincere than the love of food.” (George Bernard Shaw) I really do not believe I can relate to anything more than I relate to this quote. I love hot dogs on a summer day, tacos on a Tuesday, and chicken fingers on a Friday. I love trying foods that I’ve never had before. I have willingly tried things like frog legs, tofu, truffle honey and squid. I will never pass up a free sample at Wegmans, even if I have eaten the same thing 100 times before; I will not pass it up because I know it will bring me happiness if I taste it. I become excited over the same foods time and time again because I know they will never fail me. When I find a new food that I love it brings me great joy knowing that I have just one more thing that I can count on to always be delicious. Of course there are stereotypical foods that I love like chocolate, spaghetti, and soup, but then there are foods that many people would turn up their nose to that I just dive right into. I love foods like blue cheese, meatloaf, Brussels sprouts and sardines (preferably with spicy mustard). Honestly, instead of talking about all the food I DO like, it is much easier to say the few things I do NOT like. I cannot stand the thought of eggplant, pork, or zucchini; otherwise I will gladly eat anything put in front of me. I could go on for pages and pages. I could write a whole book, maybe even an entire book series about all the foods I love. I could dissect every single thing I’ve ever eaten and tell you why I love it so much. Food is easily one of the best parts of my life and I will never grow tired of it.