I recently read this piece on Man Repeller about the show Bob’s Burgers. It detailed how therapeutic the cartoon is and how nice it is to just watch a show where all of the characters are unabashedly themselves. To me, that is what creativity is at its core. When you can be fully yourself and embrace all of your personal attributes, I think only then you can reach your fullest creative potential. The article was talking a lot about self acceptance and relatability. I think through art sometimes we seek our truest selves, whether consciously or subconsciously I believe this to be true. So, watching a show like Bob’s Burgers where the characters are so confident and accepting of themselves can allow us to feel the same and be more creative with our work.
I think this speaks volumes to how creative our generation is today, and also why we find ourselves seeking out so many TV shows, new music, or other outlets online. In many ways we can observe how competitive and talent driven America has become, where every passion or activity needs to be done a certain way, and to the absolute best of your ability. Many time we catch ourselves trying to conform to the mold of someone else’s ideas or expectation of how things should be done, rather than allowing ourselves to figure out our own mold and the way in which we work and create. Shows like Bob’s Burgers and other creative outlets remind us how important and beneficial it is to be truly ourselves and have our own ideas and beliefs rather than take from others, which will in turn allow us to grow more into the person that we would be proud of and confident in.
-Cole Callahan
I also really like Bob’s Burgers! It is one of the few shows that I feel like my whole family can watch together. It’s funny because each of us falls into our own character in a way, so it makes it a lot of fun to watch as a family. I also like that sometimes Bob’s Burgers talks about mental health in a way that seems funny and non-threatening. I love that this show is a show I can watch with my whole family while also becoming more comfortable with the idea of talking about mental health with my family.
I like that you took this from a television show. For me, tv is a fairly big part of my life so being able to see these characters living their lives the best way they know how is great. I like the idea of learning from a show that most people think will dumb you down. And even looking outside the show and embracing who you are without worrying of how people will see you is something we should all strive for in this society.
Bob’s Burgers is one of my favorite shows, and one that my family and I watch together often. I never realized how much it emphasizes being yourself; I have just always loved the quirkiness and genuineness of the characters. Being true to oneself is a concept that my family has always prioritized with me and my brother growing up. They taught us that it is okay to love the things we love, wear what we wear, and do what makes us happy. I am so grateful for their acceptance and willingness to let us be who we are, because now being myself is something I have rarely struggled with. I think it’s so important to spread this and emphasize confidence and acceptance, especially within the media because we are exposed to so much artificiality and deception.