Blog Post 7


  • Identify three different primary stakeholders on your project, and come up with a list of 10 distinct questions you would ask each of them. Remember the aspirational / emotional /functional categories of needs and desires and try to find a balance of questions that might give you information in each of those areas. 
    1. The staff at the Centennial School
      1. What does your typical school curriculum look like?
      2. What do you do when students get overstimulated?
      3. What things do you implement to help prevent students from getting overstimulated?
      4. What is the specific age group that would benefit most from the educational resource we are going to create?
      5. What are some important things to keep in mind when creating an educational tool for kids with learning disabilities?
      6. What are some examples of the kids’ favorite content that have been shown previously in the Immersive Learning Center?
      7. What are examples of content that the kids reacted negatively to that have been previously shown in the Immersive Learning Center?
      8. How long are your average classes?
      9. How many children are in each class?
      10. How do you keep the students engaged?
    2. Students at the Centennial School
      1. What are your favorite classes and why?
      2. Do you prefer more lecture-based classes or more interactive classes with activities?
      3. What do you like about the classes in the Immersive Learning Center?
      4. What do you not like about the classes in the Immersive Learning Center?
      5. How long is your attention span?
      6. Do you know anything about art gallery spaces?
      7. What is your experience relating to the arts?
      8. Have you taken an art class?
      9. Do you think an arts education is important and why?
      10. In what ways do you think learning in the Immersive Learning Center has improved your educational experience?
    3. The Lehigh Art Gallery
      1. What type of virtual tours/ educational tools do you offer currently on your website?
      2. How often do your exhibits change?
      3. How many people with learning disabilities are you aware of come into the art gallery?
      4. Is there anything you do to cater to people with learning disabilities during your tours?
      5. Are your virtual tours interactive?
      6. What does the format of your tours look like?
      7. Are there any copyright issues with filming the art pieces?
      8. Which gallery on campus is most popular?
      9. Would you be interested in posting the educational tool we are creating on your website?
      10. Would you be interested in sharing this tool for free?

  • Identify all of the key customers for your product/service/creation/solution. List specific ways that you will ensure that your product will meet their aspirational, emotional, and functional needs and desires. 
    1. Neuro-divergent students
      1. We will revisit and revise our resource upon observing the kids’ reactions and engagement levels surrounding our product. Currently, we are planning on personalizing this resource by creating an interactive tour where students can go at their own pace.
    2. The teachers
      1. We will provide them with a brief outline of what the tours are going to look like before giving it to them; we are also going to provide this educational resource for free. Continuously, whatever they observe in class and report back to us, will help us make revisions to our product after the initial stages.
  1. Articulate your value propositions for each of your customer segments (using the format presented in class).
    1. For neuro-divergent students who get left behind in the traditional learning and social environment, our resource is a way for them to experience a new way of learning that is catered to their needs and gives them the opportunity to participate in an institutionalized space without all the expectations and regulations of one.
    2. For educators who teach children with learning disabilities, our product provides a new way for teachers to educate their students on things such as the arts through a 3D immersive and interactive experience for free.

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