Group: Verona Collins, Edyn Marsland, Y Lam, Micaela Cortez, Emily Tsao
- What are the common personal goals within the members of your team, and how can you leverage those goals to build collaboration?
- We all want to make connections with peers and knowledgeable industry professionals.
- We all want to further our understanding of the content we learn in our classes to then be able to apply the knowledge we gain outside of the classroom.
- We all want to be more involved with community outreach through the different programs we are all a part of.
Because of our shared interest in creating connections with professionals in our future work fields, that can be leveraged to build collaboration because we are currently partnering with LUAG and plan on expanding to other galleries and art spaces. Additionally, as we all want to gain more knowledge and be able to apply it outside of the classroom, we would be able to collaborate with each other through our shared knowledge and interests so we can learn from each other. Along with that, as we are all interested in being more involved with the surrounding Southside community, we can work together to share the different opportunities that we know of through the different programs we are a part of to get involved with community outreach opportunities.
- What are the common project goals within the members of your team, and how can you leverage those goals to make progress?
- Further understand the learning and emotional behavioral disorders of students to create appropriate accommodations
- Instead of starting from scratch, we can apply the research that already exists regarding intervention strategies in supporting learning for students with learning disabilities to our understanding.
- Plan out our progress goals for the end of the semester and the summer
- We would like to prepare our project for presentation to other interest groups, as we have the opportunity to exhibit our work in the LUAG Student Exhibition space as well as the Arts Accessibility Conference hosted by LUAG in the fall
- What are some biases that might become a barrier to your project goals?
- Virtual tours are usually done in a traditional format of presentation style. If people were to hear about our tailored virtual tours, they might expect the tour to be formatted a certain way.
- With our project being a unique, new concept it is expected that we may encounter many biases from outside parties. One bias will be that there are not a lot of immersive learning centers in the world, especially in the education system in the United States. To this, we would argue that our product will be usable by not only immersive centers, but any 360 space. This includes virtual reality headsets and personal electronic devices like tablets, computers, and phones. We have a bias with this project because we do have access to the immersive learning center as well as the resources to create tours without any financial investment.
- What type of decision-making system will you use and why?
- Because our group is only made up of five students and two advisors, we have not had any difficulty making big decisions as we are on the same page goal-wise. However, it is easy to make decisions together as we all are comfortable contributing to discussion and voicing our thoughts/concerns. If needed, we do take “votes” to make decisions regarding dates to meet.