Blog Post #11

    1. From the social enterprises we reviewed today, or others you
      have studied, identify ten extremely specific strategies that you can leverage for your project. The strategies can be about the technology, the business model, access to capital, customer education, messaging, thought leadership, etc.

      1. Customer Education – We can ask our competitors (Igloo customers) on what they seek from virtual/digital content and software. This way, we hear other perspectives on how the Igloo technology at the Centennial can be used.
      2. Consumer Knowledge – When we are making our content, we definitely want to have students at the Centennial (or even other neurodivergent students) weigh in on the product.
      3. Bigger Picture – Instead of viewing our project as a product we are developing for Centennial, we can look at it as starting a movement because it is really easy to focus more on the micro aspects of our project and tunnel vision on the Centennial school when we can work towards our product with the mindset and goal of expanding this eventually to the entire educational system.
      4. Thought Leadership – Agastya Foundation is on track for transforming the educational system in India to a more hands on approach and that is similar to what we are doing as well. The founder of Agastya is coming to campus this month and we plan to set up a meeting with them to consult with them on the path we are taking as they have a more developed system than we do. As they are pretty well-known in the area of focus we are studying, they would be a thought leader we would look to for guidance.
      5. Applying Theory – When it comes to educational learning theories, we can adopt Constructivism to our project. Instead of showing artwork in our tours through presentation mode, we should emphasize viewer involvement and let them formulate their own interpretations. 
      6. Access to Capital – Our immersive learning center is rare in the country. If we reach out to large organizations that advocate for educational equity, this can encourage other schools to build similar spaces.
      7. Messaging – Alongside the search for funding for our educational materials, we aim to spread our work, as networking will become an integral component of our project going forward. We have been invited to speak at the Lehigh Valley Accessibility Conference hosted by LUAG in November, where we can meet industry professionals and gain valuable connections. We are also sending in a proposal for the Engagement Scholarship Consortium in October, which will allow us to reach other research groups with similar focuses. These groups have the potential to become useful connections which would aid us in our work. 
      8. Business Model – Our model will allow us to address and answer specific questions about our project so we can eventually expand our audience. Right now, we are just focusing on the Centennial School, but we hope to network with other potential partners in order to grow our business model and overall cause.
      9. University Resources – At Lehigh University, we can collaborate with the College of Education to further expand our project.
      10. Showcasing Demo – It would be in our best interest to have a demo of our product done within the next two weeks. A demo of our virtual tour will allow others new to our project further their understanding of our project.
  1. Create a first draft of your business model using the business model canvas. Please be as specific as possible and explain why you picked those specific approaches for each of the building blocks.

  1. Create a set of 2-4 slides to articulate your business model in a presentation. Come prepared to describe your business model in the next class.