Blog Post #14

Team members: Edyn Marsland, Emily Tsao, Verona Collins, Y Lam

Blog #14: Team Prompts–


  1. Review the sample questions for your semester-end presentations:


As a team, identify the top five questions that you don’t know how to answer. Your

questions will serve as the nucleus for conversations during our final class next week.

Stakeholder Education

How well do your customers understand the larger problem you are trying to

address? (e.g. growing rates of malnutrition and stunting)

  • Centennial has an in depth understanding

Do your customers understand the specific problem you are trying to solve? (e.g.

lack of awareness about autism service providers)

What knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) do your customers need to have to

consider buying your product?

What knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) do your customers need to have to

successfully use and benefit from your product?

How will you educate your customers about the larger challenge and your offer?

What kind of partnerships will you form to educate your customers about the

larger challenge and your offer?


  •  Identify two SPECIFIC funding sources for the design phase of your project and two SPECIFIC funding sources for the dissemination (implementation / distribution / commercialization) phase of your project. For each funding source, explain why this is a good fit for your project, and what SPECIFIC aspect of your project might the funding source support. 

Design Phase

  • Pennsylvania Department of Education (funds the Centennial School)
    • This is where the Centennial receives their funding from. We have used this budget in purchasing the 360 degree technology and this is able to happen due to the purpose of our project. We are creating educational content essentially.
  • PA Council on the Arts (grants)
    • Our current virtual tour and future ones are based on the goal of increasing art exposure. This aligns with the objective of the PA Council on the Arts as they also signify art education and art exposure within communities. Our virtual tours are meant to circulate across communities to give more access to the art spaces.


Dissemination Phase

  • SouthSide Arts District
    • As we are a Lehigh Valley based team, it would make sense to circulate our work within the area first. SouthSide Arts works to engage the community and strengthen the work and the creativity of the community. Instead of receiving funding from them, this nonprofit organization might be a better fit for networking.
  • National Endowment for the Arts (Grants for Arts Projects is our largest grants program for organizations, providing expansive funding opportunities for communities across the nation in a wide variety of artistic disciplines)
    • To disseminate our content on a national level, the NEA can support in doing so. However, this would entail the need for immersive learning centers around the nation which could be aided with grants.


  • Identify five specific partnerships that you need to forge to advance your project forward with the ultimate goal of positively impacting at least one million people. Describe exactly how that partnership might help you achieve scale and why that entity might be willing to work with you.
  • Agastya International – This organization uses technology to also advance education for students. We could definitely distribute our work to the areas they work with for their mobile classrooms.
  • Learning Disabilities Association of America – This organization supports furthering education for those with learning disabilities. Our tours are geared towards those with learning needs.
  • Council for Exceptional Children – Their goal is also oriented in furthering educational equity for students with disabilities across the spectrum. Sharing our content allows us to reach out to a plethora of students who could definitely benefit from our work as the exposure to community spaces add to their education.
  • International Council for Open and Distance Education – If our content is spread internationally, we will definitely reach more students. However, our content is best paired with immersive learning centers or virtual content supporting classrooms. This council advocates for incorporating technology into education and can further the call for these types of classrooms.
  • Matterport (or Igloo) – This web-based platform is the company we are using to capture and host our virtual tours. On this site, there are so many virtual tours that exist already. However, there is not really a category for specific educational tours. If we were to reach out to them, our tour could be further platformed and signified.

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