Blog Post #7

Blog Post DUE 10/22/23 – for discussion / debrief in class on 10/24:


What is the larger dream / goal behind your venture?

The larger dream of our venture is to give over 1 million kids access to the arts through immersive virtual content. This looks like many more schools across the country having immersive learning centers and implementing arts education into their curriculum. Our purpose is to educate neurodivergent and neurotypical students in the nation about art. We also hope to incorporate elements such as manipulatives and audio recordings of the actual space in order to further the students’ learning experience. Ultimately, our goal is to expand throughout the country and make sure kids get as much access to arts spaces as possible. 

With the help of a visual, describe a coalition you will build to address the larger problem you are trying to address.

What (kinds of) organizations will you bring together? How might the coalition be transformative for the issue? How you might provide leadership and coordination for the coalition.

First, we have a deal with Igloo and Matterport and the Department of Education. Matterport will bring the cameras, Igloo will bring the ILC’s, and the Department of education will supply funding and a plan for implementation. This will result in many more schools having immersive centers or access to them at a lower cost. The Matterport cameras will be used at other universities to replicate what the Open Doors to the Arts Team does. We will work with Khan academy in cooperation with Matterport to optimize their software for additional learning materials. We will then scan all of the Smithsonian in DC because this will give users a broad range of options that are all located in the same area. Using additional funding we will support field trips to DC where students can choose which museum or gallery they would like to attend. We will work with Van Gogh experience to expand our content past virtual tours in order to create immersive virtual art. 

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