Blog # 5

Students: Julie Wright, Cate Adams, Ava DeLauro, Y Lam, Emily Tsao, Zelalem Ayalew


Part 1


Step 1: Determine the facts in the situation – obtain all of the unbiased facts possible. Clearly state the ethical issue.

  • Ugochi founded SYE-T (Soccer for Youth Empowerment Tournament)
  • This tournament is for vulnerable children from cities around the US
  • Over 30,000 youth benefit each year from pre-selection training & program engagement
  • Ugochi gained support from over 50 in-kind sponsors that provided the kids with priceless experiences and connections that can help them shape a better future
  • Spikey, a shoe manufacturing company, sponsored SYE-T for $2 million which allowed Ugochi to expand the number of participating cities from 5 to 15.
  • However, Spikey uses 3 manufacturers in Cambodia that employ children under the age of 12 in their facilities
  • The children work up to 60 hours a week with no education benefits
  • Ugochi is concerned about the labor practices of Spikey
  • The problem is that Ugochi is trying to support the well-being of children in the U.S. while being complicit in perpetuating a similar problem abroad. She doesn’t know if it is ethical to stay in partnership with Spikey because they are investing $2 million in the program and the money has helped her create an effective program 
  • Youths participate in SYE-T from more than 20 cities


Step 2: Define the Stakeholders – those with a vested interest in the outcome

  • Ugochi 
  • Children/participants 
  • Other donors
  • Spikey
  • Cambodian Youth 
  • First contractor 
  • Other two contractors 
  • Local churches, schools, universities, businesses 


Step 3: Assess the motivations of the Stakeholders

  • Ugochi – To create a sustainable social venture that empowers youth to address high crime rates and the consequences of crime 
  • Children/participants – Build personal, professional, and social skills while playing sports 
  • Other donors – Support SYE-T professionally 
  • First contractor – Support Spikey and provide education as well as shorter work weeks for students 
  • Cambodian Youth – Support their families and obtain an education 
  • Other two contractors – Support Spikey 
  • Spikey – Build a socially progressive brand and wants to increase the number of stakeholders for better profit
  • Local churches, schools, universities, businesses – Contribute to the community while also further establishing their own entity 


Step 4: Formulate (at least three) alternative solutions – based on information available, using

fundamental ethical core values as guide


Approach 1

  • Potential solution – Turn a blind eye. Continue working with Spikey and the three contractors. 
  • Ethical Principle or code
  • Pros – We have good relationships with Spikey and have some ground internationally. 
  • This may hurt the credibility of the SYE-T given that they are hurting youth across the globe, raises ethical concerns about working with unethical constructs


Approach 2

  • Potential solution – Do not work with Spikey anymore 
  • Ethical Principle or code- Virtue-based thinking: Working with Spikey does not align with
    Ugochi’s values
  • Pros – May open space to forge new partnerships, stop working with a company that has labor practices that are not ethical
  • Cons – The program will initially have to shrink, and halt progress, and students may drop from the program entirely 


Approach 3 

  • Reconnect with old partnerships 
  • Ethical Principle or code
  • Pros – Strengthening old relationships and rekindling trust, can create more sustainable partnerships that align with Ugochi and the children’s goals 
  • Cons – May not be guaranteed to work with old partnerships again 


Step 5: Seek additional assistance, as appropriate – engineering codes of ethics, previous cases, peers, reliance on personal experience, inner reflection

  • Contact other youth community engagement programs to see how they approached sponsorships and contractors, talk to community engagement officials and business managers within Spikey about community relations and company ethics.  
  • Consider public opinion with the community 


Step 6: Select the best course of action – that which satisfies the highest core ethical values.

Explain reasoning and justify. Discuss your stance vis-a-vis other approaches discussed in the class.


The best course of action is to attempt to reconnect with old partnerships. These partnerships align the best with Ugochi’s vision for the program and may be able to help the organization continue sustainably while continuing its growth. This also gives room for SYE-T to stop working with Spikey and find other supporters by having more credibility, as working with Spikey hurts the venture given that their contractors have contradictory values with SYE-T. 


Step 7: (If applicable) What are the implications of your solution on the venture. Explain the

impact of your solution


The venture doesn’t need Spikey anymore to be successful because it is already well-known and established. Reconnecting with old partnerships may be a more efficient and ethical choice. This way, SYE-T will be associated with partners that better align with its values and can better aid the children in creating a brighter future for themselves. As a result, SYE-T will grow in a more sustainable way and continue fulfilling its mission.


Part 2


Grassroots Diplomacy Strategy Development Methodology


Step 1: Determine the facts in the situation – obtain all of the unbiased facts possible

  • Ugochi has a meeting with Mr. Mikey, the head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Spikey
  • Mr. Mikey insists that there was nothing to be concerned about in Cambodia
  • He wants to shift the focus away from the vulnerable youth
  • He wants the competition to only be for men over 18 years old. 
  • He wants to exclude women and suggests that they be cheerleaders for the event instead
  • Mikey threatens to stop sponsoring the event
  • Losing Spikey as a sponsor would cause Ugochi to lose 80% of her funding; leaving her with only 20% of the funding
  • Ugochi would have to downsize the program and restrict participants


Step 2: Define the problem and the stakeholders – those with a vested interest in the outcome


The problem is the conflict of interests between SYE-T and Spikey, and how Spikey is threatening to pull out funding. 



The children 

Mr. Mikey 


Step 3: Determine and distinguish between the personal and professional motivations of the




  • Personal: Help children build their social and professional skills through an athletic program 
  • Professional: Manage organization with ethical partnerships that do not discriminate and empower people equitably 

The children 

  • Personal: Build social and professional skills, play soccer–have fun!
  • Professional: Participate in a meaningful organization and force partnerships with different cities 

Mr. Mikey 

  • Personal: Alter SYT-E so that only certain types of people are able to participate in soccer
  • Professional: Maintain the image of Spikey by driving SYT-E towards Spikey’s branding 

Step 4: Formulate (at least three) alternative solutions – based on information available, to have a win-win situation for your relationship and your venture.


Approach 1

  • Potential Solution – Surrender to Mr. Mikey 
  • How does it solve the problem?
    • Pros – We continue relationships with Spikey and have their support from their sponsorships
    • Cons – We lose face as an organization as we process with Mr. Mikey’s sexist takes. We also reduce the population on whom we intend to help with our mission. Our purpose becomes blurred. 
  • How does it save face of those involved?
    • It doesn’t … maybe only Spikey because they still maintain their reputation and look charitable by funding SYE-T
  • Implications on relationships
    • Short-term – SYE-T and Spikey continue being partners 
    • Long-term – SYE-T’s image becomes harmed 
  • Implications on the venture
    • Short-term – Ugochi won’t have to scale down her operations and will continue getting funding from Spikey
    • Long-term – Hurts other people’s willingness to partner with SYT-E, diminishes the overall mission of the program 

Approach 2

  • Potential Solution – Negotiate with Spikey and let women and youth participate in the games (Potentially fire/expose Mr. Mikey)
  • How does it solve the problem?
    • Pros – Mikey may understand Ugochi’s perspective and agree 
    • Cons- this negotiation may cause SYE-T to lose the funds provided by Spikey
  • How does it save the face of those involved?
  • Spikey will benefit from the youths and can expand its network and make it publicity to attract more stakeholders
  • SYE-T will continue providing support for the youths and can reach many other youths in different parts of the country 
  • Implications on relationships
    • Short-term – May strain relationship between Spikey and SYT-E as a whole 
    • Long-term – Changes dynamics between stakeholders and may permanently shift who has decision-making power 
  • Implications for the venture
    • Short-term – Halts program progress as new developments have to be figured out 
    • Long-term – Allows women to participate, but gives Spikey decision-making power and may lead to permanent shifts in what the program prioritizes 

Approach 3

  • Potential Solution – Cut all ties with Spikey and Mr. Mikey
  • How does it solve the problem?
    • Pros – SYE-T won’t be associated with Spikey and their shady manufacturers in Cambodia, and the program won’t be changed from the original mission
    • Cons – Losing 80% of funding and having to significantly downsize the SYE-T operation and the number of kids they can help; it will also be harder to operate and sustain its programs with less funding
  • How does it save the face of those involved?
    • Allows SYE-T to continue to work towards their original mission with a clear conscience. Actions speak louder than words and cutting Spikey off shows they are truly committed to bettering the lives of youth around the world
    • It protects SYE-T’s reputation and credibility by distancing itself from the unethical practices of Spikey
  • Implications on relationships
    • Short-term – no more business relationship with Spikey
    • Long-term – SYE-T will have to build and maintain new partnerships for support; SYE-T will have to rebuild trust with donors and stakeholders after severing ties with Spikey because it will cause the program to change
  • Implications on the venture
    • Short-term – cutting ties with Spikey could cause some financial instability for the venture; it will disrupt SYE-T operations because it will need to find other sources of funding and might have to make sacrifices to stay afloat
    • Long-term – Without funding from Spikey, SYE-T will have to adapt its program and downsize


Step 5: Seek additional assistance, as appropriate – previous cases, peers, reliance on personal

experience, inner reflection

  • Consult other head managers in Spikey to talk about Mr. Mikey’s behaviors and comments. See if there could be mediation. Also, discuss the plans again with Spikey to reconsider both stakeholders’ images and intentions.
  • Talk to the youth about their feelings and experiences in the program. Use this data to bring in discussions with Spikey.
  • Seek additional assistance from other executives within Spikey as to how to proceed with dealing with Mr. Mikey, and reach out to trusted peers in the social entrepreneurship sphere to seek advice on how to negotiate with partners and other funding sources.


Step 6: Select the best course of action – that solves the problem, saves face, and has the best short-term and long-term implications for your relationship and venture. Explain reasoning and discuss your solution vis-a-vis other approaches discussed in class.


The best solution is to cut ties with Spikey because this allows for better development of SYE-T. Cutting ties with Spikey would have the program temporarily shrink, but this does not mean that they cannot bounce back from this. It’s best to stay true to the mission of SYT-E so that the development of the program is put to good use. 


Step 7: List the sequence of actions you will take to implement your solution.

  1. Explain to Mr. Mikey why SYE-T is splitting from Spikey 
  2. Inform all of SYT-E and explain what areas of the programs have to shrink
  3. Meet with the SYT-E team to discuss the next steps and how to rebuild the organization 
  4. Carry out plan 
    1. Identify alternative funding sources
    2. Revise the budget that will make up for the Spikey funding losses, create a new expansion plan for the future
    3. Reach out to original local organizations and explain to them what happened and suggest plans to reconnect and reestablish their programs for SYE-T
    4. Be transparent with the public about Spikey and why the split is occurring

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