Students had been pushing for the State Board of Education to adopt a new, more inclusive social studies curriculum this year. Instead, the board delayed their scheduled update until at least 2025.
Month: September 2022
A Philadelphia high school first: Black men teaching all freshman core subjects
Ninth graders at Philadelphia’s Martin Luther King High School are beginning their high school careers with a set of teachers who look like them. That’s something Principal Keisha Wilkins thinks will give the students a boost as they prepare for the future.
NAEP Results Show Dismal Learning Loss Due to Pandemic. What Can Be Done?
“Recent data by @NAEP_NCES in the long-term trend assessment shows just how deeply affected students have been by #COVID. But there are steps district and school leaders can take to gain ground. @arosesocol has more on @EdTrust‘s #TheEquityLine.”
New study: Black, special ed students punished at greater rate through pandemic
“NYU research shows student behavior worsened last year, schools more likely to use out-of-school suspensions vs. restorative justice.” http:/