Dr. Festus E. Obiakor is the Chief Executive Manager of Sunny Educational Consulting located in Shorewood, Wisconsin. Dr. Obiakor is not only a teacher (professor) but also a renowned scholar and leader in the field of general and special education with a particular emphasis on African American and other culturally and linguistically diverse learners. His contributions to the field have been recognized through multiple awards, and he has authored over 200 publications, including books, chapters, articles, and commentaries. Dr. Obiakor has presented more than 300 papers at national and international conferences and currently serves on the editorial boards of several reputable nationally and internationally refereed journals. Notably, he is the Founding/Executive Editor of Multicultural Learning and Teaching (MLT).
New Episode of Equitable Minds Vod/Podcast with Dr. Festus Obiakor
In this episode, we talk with Dr. Festus Obiakor about his new book, Reducing Hate Through Multicultural Education and Transformation. Dr. Obiakor shares how identifying and eliminating hate and educating from a place of love can transform education. For more information on his new book, click this. Click the following links to view the vodcast on YouTube or listen to the podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, and Amazon Music.