Edward Tian created a new app, GPTZero, “to combat the misuse of a powerful, new artificial intelligence tool called ChatGPT.” ChatGPT can “do an endless array of things: write a story in a particular style, answer a question, explain a concept, compose an email — write a college essay — and it will spit out coherent, […]
Educational Leadership in an Increasingly Diverse Society
“Floyd Beachum, along with two co-authors, updated a previous version of his book for school administrators and teacher leaders.” Read the article here.
Resonance Educational Consulting – SEL Resources for Educational Leaders
Resonance Education Consulting envisions “educational organizations where all students are authentically engaged in safe, respectful, relevant learning that honors their unique cultural contributions, values their skill sets, amplifies their voice, and empowers them to achieve their goals.” The company’s purpose is to “help education leaders create sustainable, scalable social-emotional learning systems in schools.” Dr. Krista Leh, […]
Imagining Liberatory Education Futures – KnowledgeWorks
“This forecast describes possible futures for anti-oppressive, liberatory education systems. As professor and activist Bell Hooks wrote, ‘What we cannot imagine cannot come into being’ (hooks, 1999). In that spirit, this forecast follows a long line of imagining fresh approaches to teaching and learning and liberatory futures. These approaches include, but are not limited to, […]
Allentown School District Congratulates Dr. Ferdinand Surita, named one of the POWER 100 Who’s Who in Latino Pennsylvania
ASD would like to congratulate team member Dr. Ferdinand Surita, who was named one of the POWER 100 Who’s Who in Latino Pennsylvania at the PA Latino Convention earlier this month. “Dr. Surita has had a positive impact on many students in Allentown; he views every student as an individual who is eager to gain knowledge […]
Principals Matter for Preschools, But Studies Show They Lack Training
Nearly 6 in 10 public primary school principals lead at least one prekindergarten grade, but new research suggests training and support for integrating early-childhood and elementary education tend to be thin for administrators. To read the article, click here. To read the report, click here.
When Texas students campaigned for a more diverse history course, they got a lesson in politics
Students had been pushing for the State Board of Education to adopt a new, more inclusive social studies curriculum this year. Instead, the board delayed their scheduled update until at least 2025.
A Philadelphia high school first: Black men teaching all freshman core subjects
Ninth graders at Philadelphia’s Martin Luther King High School are beginning their high school careers with a set of teachers who look like them. That’s something Principal Keisha Wilkins thinks will give the students a boost as they prepare for the future.
NAEP Results Show Dismal Learning Loss Due to Pandemic. What Can Be Done?
“Recent data by @NAEP_NCES in the long-term trend assessment shows just how deeply affected students have been by #COVID. But there are steps district and school leaders can take to gain ground. @arosesocol has more on @EdTrust‘s #TheEquityLine.” https://edtrust.org/the-equity-line/naep-results-show-dismal-learning-loss-due-to-pandemic-what-can-be-done/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=equitylinerss&utm_campaign=assessments&emci=6963f3a0-042a-ed11-ae83-281878b83d8a&emdi=f7280925-0f2a-ed11-ae83-281878b83d8a&ceid=453542