“NYU research shows student behavior worsened last year, schools more likely to use out-of-school suspensions vs. restorative justice.” http:/https://www.the74million.org/article/new-study-black-special-needs-kids-punished-at-greater-rate-through-pandemic/
Dr. Floyd Beachum, Professor at Lehigh University, discusses Education To Support A Better Democracy
“Education can liberate you… you can liberate one’s mindset in order to make better decisions.”
How PA and NJ are Dealing with Teacher Shortages as School Approaches
Kudos to Dr. Carlos McCray, Professor at Montclair State University and adjunct professor at Lehigh University, for being interviewed by 69 News! https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/how-pa-and-nj-are-dealing-with-teacher-shortages-as-school-approaches/article_ceaf12f8-1509-11ed-99a1-c7541f620e74.html
Study: Racial bias might start as early as preschool
“Implicit bias is an uncomfortable subject for many people, especially those who believe they don’t have any racial bias. But we all have it. We’re just not always aware of it, and how deeply rooted it can be….Now comes a study, presented to federal and state educators in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, showing how bias […]
Few Black men become school psychologists. Here’s why that matters.
The Burden on Black Teachers: ‘I Don’t Belong at Your Table’
Shame, Shame, Shame! We Could Have Won the Game
A new book by Lehigh University graduate Noel Hightower. Shame, Shame, Shame! We Could Have Won the Game is “a book about teamwork making the dream work.”
School Leadership in a Diverse Society Review
“As we collectively emerge from what we hope is the end of a pandemic, we find ourselves at a crossroads regarding educational change. What has not changed is the centrality of relationships in guiding this work, though in navigating the multiple pandemics pronounced by COVID-19, we must be intentional in acknowledging that all relationships are […]
Levar Burton is a national treasure
Reading in 2022 with Levar Burton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QQU_2f_HoA
Preparing Effective School Leaders in a Diverse Society
“When you have more teachers of color, you do have a greater chance of some shared experiences, historical experiences, current experiences, so teachers can make meaningful connections,” says Floyd Beachum, professor of educational leadership at Lehigh and co-author of School Leadership in a Diverse Society: Helping Schools Prepare all Students for Success. “That’s a huge benefit.” Click […]