Lecture Slides



TES: What’s next? | Transforming Education Summit (sdg4education2030.org)

Data (All Countries):

World Inequality Database on Education – Ireland (education-inequalities.org)

Ireland | UNESCO UIS

National Consultations | United Nations


Education is the enabler for sustainable development”,  by Patrick Paul  Walsh, UN SDSN.

Greening Education Partnership | UNESCO


The Global Science Commons and Sustainable Development”, by Patrick Paul  Walsh, University College Dublin (UCD), IAU Horizons issue, vol. 26, no. 2, 2021,

The Economy of Ireland,  Policy Making in a Global Context,  Eds John O’Hagan, Francis O’Toole and Ciara Whelan .
Chapter 6: The Political Economy of Sustainable Development – Patrick Paul Walsh
Chapter 15: Education: Policy and Performance – Paul Devereux and Ciara Whelan

Non State Actors in Education 2021, (2021) UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report.