Lecture slides


This lecture at its heart sets down the structural elements of theory, data modeling, policy, and institutions to expedite practical implementation of the SDG agenda within the short window of time that humanity has to remedy global challenges. We expand the rationale for the government to include a stakeholder approach to comprehensive and integrated sustainable development. ‘Comprehensive’ refers to writing down an economic framework that can be translated into empirical modeling, brought into policy frameworks, and implemented by legislators in their institutional settings. ‘Integrated’ refers to the modeling of linkages between the four pillars of sustainable development: economic, societal, environmental, and institutional development.  In particular, we outline how a change in the nature of public policy, with institutional reform, can facilitate change in primitives (demand preferences and technology) and constraints (social and environmental) of market systems, to induce a plyometric (i.e. improve coordination, links, strength, and speed) movement towards sustainable development.

Lecture Slides

Main Reading 
Patrick Paul Walsh “The Political Economy of Sustainable Development” The Economy of Ireland: Policy Making in a Global Context (14th edition), Eds O’Hagan, J. , O’Toole, F. and Whelan, pp136-157.

Other Readings

Kate Raworth, ‘Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-century Economist’, London: Random House, 2017. For summary article, visit here.

Joseph Stiglitz, ‘Inequality and Unearned Income Kills the Economy’, (2016) Adapted (with permission) from Rethinking Capitalism: Economics and Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, edited by Michael Jacobs and Mariana Mazzucato, Political Quarterly Monograph Series, WILEY Blackwell, 2016.

Gérard Roland, ‘Transition and Politics: Politics, Markets and Firms’, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2020.

Peter Hall and David Soskice, ‘Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage’, First edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Walsh PP,  Murphy E, Horan D. “The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in the UN 2030 Agenda”,  May 2020, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Walsh, P.P.  “Industrial Policy and Sustainable Development“, United Nations Global Sustainable Development Report Policy Brief, 9 Mar 2015.

UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2019:The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development,

Additional materials:

Walsh, P. (2020). The Economics of COVID-19 and Sustainable DevelopmentUniversitas 21 Health Sciences Group Annual Meeting hosted by UCD, Dublin Ireland.


TFM 2030 Connect is a dynamic new tool for entrepreneurs, innovators, students and leaders from around the world seeking to exchange ideas and technology, build networks, and work to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). United Nations online technology platform for the SDGs https://tfm2030connect.un.org/

UNESCO GO-SPIN is a methodological tool to map national science, technology and innovation (STI) landscapes and analyse STI policies and their implementation. The open-access platform offers innovative databases with powerful graphic and analytical tools for the use of decision-makers, parliamentarians, universities, knowledge brokers, companies, specialists and the general public, with a complete set of diverse information on STI policies. https://gospin.unesco.org/frontend/home/index.php