Week 4 Lecture – Professor Glenn Yago
Week 4 – Professor Glenn Yago
Please read through this Overview document first; the Financial Innovation Lab Case Summaries attachment can be found here.
Yago, Glenn and Franklin Allen, “Financing the Developing World,” World Financial Review, September-October 2011:44-48.
Levine, Ross, Luc Laeven and Stelio Michlopoulos, “Financial Innovation and Endogenous Growth, “Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2015, January, 24 (1).
Mariana Mazzucato and Greg Semieniuk, “Financing renewable energy: Who is financing what and why it matters,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, May 2017
Please browse through the following PowerPoint for additional information: PowerPoint slide deck
*review the PowerPoint to get an understanding of the context of growth theory landscape applied to project/program/product development finance. That will put the required case studies above in context: water, food, energy, health and how they interlink.
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