
Amazon Green Economy Hub (2020). Too Big to Fail: Transforming the Amazon’s Economy from Deforestation-Driven to Inclusive and Green.

Science Panel for the Amazon (2020). Statement to the UN Summit on Biodiversity Urgent Action for the Amazon We Want.

Scientists of the Amazon Countries and Global Partners (2020). Scientific Framework to Save the Amazon.

Viana, V. M., Ribenboim, G., Megid, T., & Salviati, V. (2010). REDD and Sustainable Development.–Perspective from BrazilInternational Institute for Environment and Development. 

Viana, V., Viana, C., Euler, A., Grieg-Gran, M., & Bass, S. (2014). Green economy in Amapá State, Brazil.

Further reading:

Plotkin, Mark J. ( 2020, October 2) . Could the Amazon Save your Life? The New York Times. Retrieved from

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