Lecture 8: Ms. Hunter Lovins
Lovins, L. H., Wallis, S., Wijkman, A., & Fullerton, J. (2018). A finer future: Creating an economy in service to life. [Chapter 1]
Lovins, L. H., Wallis, S., Wijkman, A., & Fullerton, J. (2018). A finer future: Creating an economy in service to life. [Chapter 3]
Lovins, L. H., Wallis, S., Wijkman, A., & Fullerton, J. (2018). A finer future: Creating an economy in service to life. [Chapter 4]
Lovins, L. H., Wallis, S., Wijkman, A., & Fullerton, J. (2018). A finer future: Creating an economy in service to life. [Chapter 10]
*the full book may be purchased here
Further reading:
Fullerton, J. (2015). Regenerative capitalism: How universal principles and patterns will shape our new economy. Capital Institute.[online] URL: http://capitalinstitute. org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2015-Regenerative-Capitalism-4-20-15-final. pdf.
Arbib, J., & Seba, T. (2020). Rethinking Humanity: Five Foundational Sector Disruptions, the Lifecycle of Civilizations, and the Coming Age of Freedom
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