Week 7 – Mr. Satya Tripathi Lecture
Glauber, A. J., Moyer, S., Adriani, M., & Gunawan, I. (2016). The Cost of Fire: An Economic Analysis of Indonesia’s 2015 Fire Crisis. The World Bank http://pubdocs. worldbank. org/en/643781465442350600/Indonesia-forest-fire-notes. pdf (Accessed 15 June 2016).
Further Reading:
Bull, G. Q., Elliott, C., Boedhihartono, A. K., & Sayer, J. (2014). Guest Editorial – Failures in Tropical Forest and Conservation Policy: What’s the Solution?. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 1-4.
Sayer, J., Bull, G., & Elliot, C. (2008). Science embedded in local forest landscape management improves benefit flows to society.Conservation and Society, 6, 320-327.
Sayer, J., Sunderland, T., Ghazoul, J., Pfund, J. L., Sheil, D., Meijaard, E., … & Van Oosten, C. (2013). Ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture, conservation, and other competing land uses. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 110(21), 8349-8356.
Langston, J. D., Riggs, R. A., Kastanya, A., Sayer, J., Margules, C., & Boedhihartono, A. K. (2019). Science embedded in local forest landscape management improves benefit flows to society. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, 3.
Bull, G. Q., Boedhihartono, A. K., Bueno, G., Cashore, B., Elliott, C., Langston, J. D., … & Sayer, J. (2018). Global forest discourses must connect with local forest realities. International Forestry Review, 20(2), 160-166.
Boedhihartono, A. K., Bongers, F., Boot, R. G., van Dijk, J., Jeans, H., van Kuijk, M., … & Turnhout, E. (2018). Conservation science and practice must engage with the realities of complex tropical landscapes. Tropical conservation science, 11, 1940082918779571.
Sayer, J., Ghazoul, J., Nelson, P., & Boedhihartono, A. K. (2012). Oil palm expansion transforms tropical landscapes and livelihoods. Global Food Security, 1(2), 114-119.
Sloan, S., & Sayer, J. A. (2015). Forest Resources Assessment of 2015 shows positive global trends but forest loss and degradation persist in poor tropical countries. Forest Ecology and Management, 352, 134-145.
Boedhihartono, A. (2017). Can community forests be compatible with biodiversity conservation in Indonesia?.Land, 6(1), 21.
Sayer, J., Margules, C., & Boedhihartono, A. K. (2017). Will biodiversity be conserved in locally-managed forests?. Land, 6(1), 6.
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