I’ll be showing my current figure collection as of 4/5/2022 here. Some notes are that a majority of them are Banpresto, Sega, or Bandai figures. My goal when I hopefully have adult money is some resin figures or just figures in the couple hundred range but for now my range has usually been under a hundred for each. I’ll go through each figure right to left in a bullet style list hopefully this isn’t as boring as it sounds at 10:45 PM when I’m writing this.

First shelf of figures containing mainly banprestos
- Pochita Plush – From Chainsaw Man and got it when I saw it on Instagram when the anime adaption was announced
- Aizawa Figure – From My Hero Academia, really liked Aizawa great dad to all the kids and the figure was cool because of him holding the scarf and being in more of an action position
- Gojo Plush – From Jujutsu Kaisen, I’m a pretty big simp for gojo so I saw it in a store and just needed it
- Gen Figure – From Dr. Stone, got it at cool anime store in Austin Texas on a trip, Gen was my favorite from the show
- Nanami Figure – From Jujutsu Kaisen, also a nanami simp so needed to order him after I saw the fight with him and Yuji against Mahito
- Astolfo Figure – From Fate Apocrypha, one of my favorite characters and got it at a second hand store for a decent bit less than what it usually is
- Gojo Figure – Simp
- Swordfish ll Figure – From Cowboy Bebop, it’s Spike’s ship and I’m pretty proud of this one, it’s relatively expensive online but I found it in store randomly at a much lower price and needed it

Second shelf with smaller figures and random merch
- No Face Bank – From Spirited Away and when the plate gets weighed down enough with coins, it’ll bring the plate to it’s mouth and eat them
- Candy Tins – From Grave of the Fireflies, in the movie the kid likes a type of candy and I saw I could get it on Amazon, they candy was good and the tin was pretty cool so I kept it
- Card Packs – One set from My Hero and another from Spirited Away
- Mob Psycho Pins – This pack had Dimple, Shigeo, Ritsu, and Teruki pins
- Nano block Eevee – surprisingly really hard to put together and made me really appreciate Lego’s quality
- Small Gojo – got it from Jujutsu Kaisen blind bags
- Pink Pig – From Seven Deadly Sins and is actually an eraser of Hawk
- Spirited Away Characters – Got them all from blind bags and haven’t gotten a repeat yet
- Mushishi Sake Cup – They were part of a loot crate that wasn’t running anymore so found a site that was just selling the cups
- Spirited Away Teacup – Really liked the design with the random icons from the movie
- Chito Nendoroid – From Girls Last Tour, I really like these figures because they’re highly customizable but they’re also pretty expensive, one day I’ll hopefully have more

Third shelf with figures and some plushes
- All Might Plush Keychain – Got it as a gift but my backpacks were full of other keychains so keep it on my shelf
- Rilakuma Plush – It was cute and there’s a little zipper on the back to put whatever in it, really just cute
- Kanoao Figure – Got it because of it’s position, never had a figure that was meant to hang off my shelf
- Uraraka Figure – The action pose was fun
- All Might Figure – Got it while I was actually in Japan, there’s a whole area called Nakano Broadway that sells second hand figures for pretty cheap
- Shoto Figure – My first figure, I thought Shoto was the coolest but with the manga now he really just needs a hug
- Luffy Figure – I started reading One Piece and when I got to the bit where Luffy and Zoro didn’t fight back against Bellamy in Mock Town I knew I needed some One Piece Figure
Sooo yeah,