Brooke Rollins

Nominated by:
Heather Flyte, Sarah Heidebrink-Bruno, Ashlee Simon, Alishya Almeida
Comments from nominator:
Heather Flyte: I was honored when Dr. Rollins asked me to work with her over the summer, transitioning First-Year Writing into a remote and hybrid syllabus. Her commitment to the program and the students inspired me to research technical issues that could arise, especially for a cohort of new teachers. Her trust in me always reinforces my own desire to teach composition and rhetoric. She is generous with her time and kindness while simultaneously challenging me in my scholarship. She is ferociously smart and a treasure.
Sarah Heidebrink-Bruno: I have worked with Brooke on my comprehensive exams, dissertation, and most recently, as her assistant program director for the new teaching fellow Practicum course. She has demonstrated grace and compassion under pressure, especially as she essentially redesigned the first-year writing program over the summer, during a pandemic. She shows me what it means to be a thoughtful scholar, community member, and parent. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with her and learn from her.
Ashlee Simon: I am so incredibly grateful to have mentors like Dr. Rollins and Dr. Servitje at Lehigh, who both work so hard to help me succeed. I truly don't think I would be as successful as an instructor or scholar without their assistance and encouragement, and I wish I could find a way to thank them that truly communicates how grateful I am for them.
Mentor comments:
To me, mentoring is about encouraging students to imagine what's possible, to identify their own authentic goals, and to take the intellectual risks that might make those goals a reality.