George DuPaul

George DuPaul

George DuPaul
College of Education

Nominated by:
Amanda Nelson, Eliana Rosenthal, Jae Hyung Ahn, Sara Franklin-Gillette

Comments from nominator:
Amanda Nelson: Dr. DuPaul strives to constantly involve his research team members in a number of studies, encourages critical and creative thinking, and helps us to get the most out of our educational experience at Lehigh University. I am never not busy working on projects for the REACH Lab, but I greatly appreciate these opportunities as they are helping develop my research skills and setting me up for success in my future career. Dr. DuPaul is a dedicated researcher, a hard worker, and a great role model, and I am fortunate to have him as a faculty advisor guiding me through graduate school. Thank you so much for you support and mentorship, Dr. DuPaul!

Eliana Rosenthal: Dr. DuPaul is a caring mentor who goes out of his way to help his students achieve their professional goals. He takes each of his student's individual research interests seriously and somehow manages to put together projects that touch on multiple students' passions at once.

Jae Hyung Ahn: Dr. DuPaul is an amazing advisor who encourages and supports my growth. He is also a great researcher who provides much guidance. Lastly, he is always warm and understanding when interacting with his students. Thank you Dr. DuPaul!

Sara Franklin-Gillette: Dr. DuPaul is one of the reasons that I came to Lehigh, and I'm so glad that I did! He's a supportive and encouraging mentor, and I'm excited for the upcoming years working together!

Mentor comments:
Mentoring is at the heart of my job as one of my most important career goals is to support the development of the next generation of school psychology practitioners and researchers. I have been fortunate to work with many outstanding graduate students over my 29 years at Lehigh. One of the most gratifying outcomes for me is to see my former advisees flourish in their careers and I hope that my mentorship has played at least a small part in their success.