Blog 8 Food carbon Footprint

1 Summarize and report out on the results of the SKS exercise.

I did not attend the meeting synchronously and discuss that.


Develop a detailed Collaboration Plan for your team clearly articulating your Goals (small g and Big G), Roles, Procedures, and Relationships.


Team Name: _____Food Carbon Footprint____   Date: ___2021/3/23__
Goals · What are the personal goals (small g) of each member on this team? (Team Member #1,#2, #3, etc) Make sure they connect to the DREAM on the Individual Profile. I want to help with the coding team in our project. My goal is to help deal with the data analysis and website building.

· What is the Project GOAL (big G) we’re all committed to achieve together? We are trying to develop a calculator for the food carbon emission and make this a national, open-source model for other colleges/universities to use. Also, we try to report the high carbon emission of some types of food and we want to reduce the consumption of high-carbon-emission food by letting students aware of the problem.

·  Is our Project Goal scaled to our resources (dreams, materials, skills, differences, etc.) and constraints (assignment, time, skills, etc.)   Yes, we will leverage our resources like records from the Lehigh dining hall and the data we will analyze will depend on our data analyzing skills. We would also expect that we would launch our project on campus as soon as possible to reduce the limitation of the timeline and effect of Covid.

· What are the metrics for success for what we’re producing?

Short-term metrics would be the percentage of people who are satisfied with the action of the project, the number of students who get involved in this program, Lehigh dining hall staff’s feedback and records on the ordered food, and reduction of the order of high-carbon-emission food in a short time. And the long-term metrics would be the overall reduction of carbon emissions on campus, website views and satisfaction, percentage of students using the website, and the trend of various food sales records in the dining hall.

Roles · Who is responsible for which deliverables? I am working on the coding team and help with the code.

· Which deliverables require collaboration, subgroups & individual work? Who does each person depend upon to succeed? We are dividing into some subgroups. Some previous students are working with Lehigh dining hall to put the stickers while they would depend on the Lehigh dining hall stuff. I am working on the coding team so I would depend on the feedback from users.

· Do we need a project manager to coordinate? No, everyone has different work and we could integrate them.

· What are the deliverables each person is accountable to produce? I would provide the utility of the web.

Procedures · Decision Making – What process shall we use: consensus, majority rules, deference to expert, default to the loudest, or? I think so far, our team have clear goals and plan. But if there is division-making, I think the majority rule would be great.

· Effective Meetings – Focus on key, timely decisions together vs. status/update (offline); We are scheduling the meeting every Saturday to meeting with others, get the update, and reflect on our work.

· Meeting roles: scribe, facilitator, timekeeper  We are meeting together to discuss our project. And I think everyone could be a timekeeper.

· Communication – FTF: frequency, time, location; type of technology: (Googledocs, Hangout, etc.); expectations for responsiveness; ‘best time to work’ (AM, PM, weekends?) I think the range of a way is enough for every member to get some updates and do some works. Because there is a time zone difference, the best time to work and meet would be in the morning. And most people are available in the noon so 11 am would be the best time. We are currently meeting online because I am off-campus.

Relationships · Team Diversity – What is the diversity on our team?  In our team, we have different members majoring in different majors like environmental study, computer science, and statistics. So we could work together and deal with different problems.

· Team Name–What’s a team name that captures who we are and what we’re going to do? Exploring food carbon footprint and reducing carbon emission team

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