Publications and Presentations

  Cadenas, G. A., Lynn, N., Li, K. M., Liu, L., Cantú, E. A., Ruth, A., Carroll, S., Kulp, S., & Spence, T. (2020). Racial and ethnic minority community college students’ critical consciousness and social cognitive career outcomes. The Career Development Quarterly, 68(4), 302-317.
 Cadenas, G. A., Cantú, E. A., Sosa, R., Carroll, S., Lynn, N., Suro, B., & Ruth, A. (In Preparation). Critical consciousness among immigrant community entrepreneurs in a career education program: Overcoming barriers with cultural strengths.

Cadenas, G.A. , *Sosa, R., & Liang, C. (In Press). Immigrant youth’s community participation to promote immigrant rights and resist psychological and sociopolitical challenges. Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health.

Cadenas, G.A., Neimeyer, G., *Suro-Maldonado, B., Minero, L.P., Campos, L., Garcini, L.M., Mercado, A., Paris, M., Domenech-Rodriguez, M., Silva, M. (In Press). Developing cultural competencies for providing psychological services with immigrant populations: A cross-level training curriculum. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

Cadenas, G.A. , *Liu, L., *Melo, K., & *Beachy, S. (2021, online first). Promoting critical consciousness, academic performance, and persistence among graduate students experiencing class-based oppression. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.

Cadenas, G.A. , *Lynn, N., *Melo, K., *Liu, L., Cantú, E., Ruth, A., *Carroll, S., *Kulp, S., & Spence, T. (2020, online first). Racial/ethnic minority community college students’ critical consciousness and social cognitive career outcomes. The Career Development Quarterly.

Cadenas, G.A. Peña, D., Minero-Meza, L., Rojas-Arauz, B., & *Lynn, N. (2020, online first).  Critical agency and vocational outcome expectations as coping mechanisms among undocumented immigrant students. Journal of Latinx Psychology.

Cadenas, G. A. , Cantú, E. A., *Lynn, N., Spence, T., & Ruth, A. (2020). A programmatic intervention to promote entrepreneurial self-efficacy, critical behavior, and technology readiness among underrepresented college students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 116.


Cadenas, G.A., Sosa, R., Carroll, S., & Lynn, N. (2020, August). Critical consciousness to close gaps in entrepreneurship and STEM among immigrants and minorities. Skill-building working presented at the American Psychological Association Virtual Convention.