In the 21st century, the digital world became another reality for every one of us. It is especially true for youth who were born when the phone is as much of a necessity to have as food. Digital media carries a massive amount of information and with wide access to it, it is easier than ever to spread the information. The transmitted information should be true, especially one spread by the media. Most of the time this is not the case, and media fails to act to its ideals. Many believe that the information that is spread by different means is filtered somehow. Who controls the truthfulness of the information? Who decides what should air in the news? Who decides what is the trendiest outfit to wear? Who decides where is the best place to travel or which political party is better? In reality, there are few who have the power to influence the rest of the world. They set examples and shape the opinions of the majority. The privilege they have is not necessarily good or bad, but it is simply powering one to decide how to use it. These few have the power to manipulate perceptions, views on life and so on. Even though some might think they are free of all kinds of influence, hegemony plays a crucial role in dictating society’s and country’s views and actions in politics and culture using different means, accordingly people need to learn how to filter bad influence from a good one.


Hegemony is the dominance of  one social group over other social groups in different fields. It can also mean the dominance of regime or country over other society members and countries. Antonio Gramsci was one of the first who used the term and described it as the idea of a ruling class who manipulates different systems. The control is not forceful, on the contrary, it happens through social, political, and economical means. Hegemony consists of two parts consent, which is participation by regular people, and domination by elite groups. The elite group dominates a society without sustaining constant fear. Hegemony is more about manipulating different institutions -such as media- which eventually influences society. In most cases, these elite groups try to maintain the order in their favor. They reinforce stereotypes and influence societies on personal, interpersonal, institution- al, and cultural levels.


The word hegemony comes from the Greek word, which means authority and supremacy. Hegemony started existing in the Greco-Roman world and never ceased existence since then. From the 15th century, Western societies (Europe) started to dominate and influence the rest of the world. They were considered as the most developed countries because of their advancements in every sphere. The hegemonic power was passing from one country to another until World War I when all the hegemonic countries were weakened. On the other hand, the United States was strengthened at that time. After World War II, five countries were the strongest global powers including the US, UK, China, France, and USSR. US and USSR were the dominant ones, but after the collapse of the USSR, the United States was left as the only hegemonic power at that time. Nowadays it is a controversial topic whereas the US is the only hegemonic power or not with China on the rise, but still many consider it to be the one.


Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural domination leads to the idea of Imperialism, which is the ideology of influencing other countries utilizing economic and political status. Along with imperialism comes cultural hegemony. The US being the hegemonic country means that it has cultural hegemony over others as well. The most obvious example of that is the domination of the English language all over the world. Other countries strive to have social norms and social structures similar to the United States because it brought them prosperity and domination. This process has its pros and cons. It is undoubtful that each country wants to be economically prosperous and have happy citizens, but it is also important to remember that one should not lose its identity in the process of making a great country. Cultural assimilation might be dangerous to indigenous countries.


Hegemony is not only operating on a global scale. It is as much authentic on personal and country’s institutional levels. Privileged groups in the United States are white, able-bodied, males, heterosexuals, Christians, English-speaking people and so on. These groups have more power than others. In many cases, they take this power as granted and think they earned it. The truth is they were lucky to have membership in one of those groups. As soon as they realize they have a privilege they start to exercise it. They try to preserve the existing order for their benefit. The influence of elite groups can be as beneficial as harmful. It depends on the intentions of the privileged group members.


Media keeps hegemony in everyday lives. It is the main tool privileged groups use to exert their power. Media influences society’s perceptions of reality and it is controlled by hegemonic groups. In many instances, people do not even see that they are somehow controlled by someone. Media consolidation is an obvious example of hegemonic control over society. Media consolidation means that fewer individuals control the shares of mass media. This leads to the loss of individuality and the unique representation of any kind of information. Big companies buy small ones and even though their names might be different, the content is the same. The companies are biased to their owners and there are not many companies that stay loyal to the minority groups. Media started to represent the interests of the minority elite groups. Imagine reading an article about the new policy congress decided on a couple of days before. Most of the news you read, and watch are praising the new policy. It does not directly affect you, because you are in a middle class, but it does to the minority groups. Despite that fact, as you are constantly exposed to positive evaluations about the topic you shape the same opinion. Another scenario might be a little girl watching a TV and seeing how standards of beauty are represented in there. One should be tanned, skinny, and tall to be considered beautiful. Little girl shapes beauty standards which are not necessarily right.


On the other hand, one can argue that there are other examples when these hegemonic groups try to influence in a good way. There are many examples when celebrities tried to share their experiences to express their sup- port. They try to promote the right way of living and motivate people to achieve more. The elite groups try to promote a healthy living lifestyle. Women politicians who were lucky to gain power try to encourage young generations to be more actively involved in politics and fight for their rights. Some privileged individuals earned power by themselves and they set examples for minority groups. For example, Alan Gerry who billion-dollar worth TV company. Starbucks founder Howard Schultz grew up in a poor neighborhood but worked hard on his dream and became a millionaire. Oprah Winfrey who had nothing but made it become first African American TV correspondent. All these people are representatives of the dominant groups who did not have a wealthy family background to support them.


One can also argue that for maintaining order few people in power are necessary. Millions of individuals cannot decide for themselves whatever they like to do. There should be restrictions, so everybody gets the same opportunity. That is where a problem comes up. People in power go overboard in many cases and do not care about equity anymore. Their main concern becomes themselves. Even in today’s politics it is obvious that politicians care more about themselves than citizens. It is crucial to remember the duty to your country. The combination of power and humanity can bring out the best in person.


It is important to be aware of the environment. One should not accept whatever is given but investigate and make its decisions. It requires more effort, but it is worth the outcome. This way protection from all the bad influences will be guaranteed. One should be knowledgeable about all the mechanisms used by privileged groups not to become an easy target of influence. By filtering hegemonic groups society will know who tries to support and motivate them and the who care just for their benefits. Power should come with the proper character and that is when one is a great citizen.

Sopio Nonikashvili