Academic Dissertations: 3
Books (Monographs): 4 + 1 in progress
Edited Books: 6
Technical Editor of Books by Other Authors: 2
Refereed Book Chapters: 26
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles: 71 + 4 in progress
Selected Contributions to Conference Proceedings: 36
Selected Research Reports and Other Publications: 69
Invited Book and Software Reviews: 10
Academic Dissertations
- A Stochastic Programming Problem and its Solution by Random Search. rer. nat. Dissertation. Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest, 1975. (In Hungarian; Summa cum laude)
- Stochastic Methods for Solving Multiextremal, Non-smooth Problems in Stochastic Programming. D. Dissertation, Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State (Lomonosow) University, Moscow, 1982. (In Russian)
- Global Optimization – Algorithms, Implementations, and Applications.Sc. Dissertation, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2000. (Hungarian academic dissertation based on my monograph Global Optimization in Action, see below.)
- Stochastic Optimization Procedures. Hungarian State Textbook Publishers, 1984. (In Hungarian)
- Global Optimization in Action – Continuous and Lipschitz Optimization: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996. Now published by Springer Science + Business Media, New York.
- Computational Global Optimization in Nonlinear Systems – An Interactive Tutorial. Lionheart Publishing, Atlanta, GA, 2001.
- Global Optimization with Maple: An Introduction with Illustrative Examples. An electronic book published by Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, NS; and by Maplesoft, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2006.
- Nonlinear Optimization in Practice – Model Development, Software and Applications. (In progress)
Edited Volumes
- Global Optimization: Scientific and Engineering Case Studies. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2006.
- Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2013. Co-editor: Fasano, G.
- Optimized Packings With Applications. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2015. Co-editor: Fasano, G.
- Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization with Case Studies. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2016. Co-editor: Fasano, G.
- Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2017). Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2018. Co-editor: Terlaky, T.
- Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering – State of the Art and New Challenges. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2019. Co-editor: Fasano, G.
Technical Editor of Books by Other Authors
- Theory of Global Random Search. Author: Zhigljavsky, A.A. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991.
- Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the GAMS Technology. Author: Neculai, A. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2013.
Refereed Book Chapters
- Stochastic optimization methods for solving mathematical programming problems. In: Mogyoródi, J., Vincze, and Wertz, W., eds. Statistics and Probability, pp. 271–282. Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1984.
- Decision models in water quality management. In: Katona, E., ed. Handbook of Water Quality Management, pp. 152–159. AQUA Publishers (Kiadó), Budapest, 1989. (In Hungarian)
- Lipschitzian global optimization: Some prospective applications. In: Floudas, A. and Pardalos, P.M., eds. Recent Advances in Global Optimization, pp. 399–432. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1992.
- LGO: A program system for continuous and Lipschitz optimization. In: Bomze, I.M., Csendes, T., Horst, R. and Pardalos, P.M., eds. Developments in Global Optimization, pp. 183-197. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997.
- A model development system for global optimization. In: De Leone, R., Murli, A., Pardalos, P.M. and Toraldo, G., eds. High Performance Algorithms and Software in Nonlinear Optimization, pp. 301-314. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998.
- Extremal energy models and global optimization. In: Laguna, M. and González-Velarde, J-L., eds. Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 145-160. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000.
- Continuous global optimization: Software. Invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Optimization (Floudas, C. A. and Pardalos, P.M., eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001.
- Continuous global optimization: Illustrative applications. Invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Optimization (Floudas, C. A. and Pardalos, P.M., eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001.
- Global optimization in the analysis and management of environmental systems. Invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Optimization (Floudas, C. A. and Pardalos, P.M., eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001.
- Global optimization: Software, test problems, and applications. In: Pardalos, P. M. and Romeijn, H. E., eds. Handbook of Global Optimization, Volume 2, pp. 515-569. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
- R. model development and optimization with Mathematica. In: Golden, B., Raghavan, S., and Wasil, E., eds. The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision Technologies, pp. 285-302. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2005. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Nonlinear optimization in modeling environments: software implementations for compilers, spreadsheets, modeling languages, and integrated computing systems. In: V. Jeyakumar and A.M. Rubinov, eds. Continuous Optimization: Current Trends and Applications, pp. 147-173. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2005.
- MathOptimizer Professional: Key features and illustrative applications. In: Liberti, L., and Maculan, N., eds. Global Optimization: From Theory to Implementation, pp. 263-279. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2006. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Front matter and Preface. In: Pintér, J. D., ed. Global Optimization: Scientific and Engineering Case Studies, pp. ix-xxi. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2006.
- Determination of a distributed feedback laser’s field solution using global optimization. In: Pintér, J. D., ed. Global Optimization: Scientific and Engineering Case Studies, pp. 181-212. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2006. Co-authors: Isenor, G. and Cada, M.
- Optimization of radiation therapy dose delivery with multiple static collimation. In: Pintér, J. D., ed. Global Optimization: Scientific and Engineering Case Studies, pp. 461-485. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2006. Co-authors: Tervo, J., Kolmonen, P., and Lyyra-Laitinen, T.
- Computational global optimization. In: TutORials in Operations Research, Published by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Hanover, MD, 2007. Co-author: Lasdon, L.S.
- Global optimization in practice: State-of-the-art and perspectives. In: Gao, D. Y. and Sherali, H. D., eds., Advances in Applied Mathematics and Global Optimization, pp. 377-404. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2009.
- Software development for global optimization. In: Pardalos, P.M. and T. F. Coleman, eds. Global Optimization: Methods and Applications, 183-204. Fields Institute Communications Volume 55. Published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2009.
- Model development and optimization for space engineering. In: Fasano, G. and Pintér, J.D., eds., Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering, pp. 1-32. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2013. Co-author: Fasano, G.
- Global optimization approaches to sensor placement: Model versions and illustrative results. In: Fasano, G. and Pintér, J.D., eds., Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering, pp. 235-247. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2013. Co-author: Fasano, G.
- In: Fasano, G. and Pintér, J.D., eds., Optimized Packings with Applications, pp. v-xii. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2015. Co-author: Fasano, G.
- In: Fasano, G. and Pintér, J.D., eds., Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization with Case Studies, pp. v-vii. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2016. Co-author: Fasano, G.
- Nonlinear regression analysis by global optimization: a case study in space engineering. In: Fasano, G. and Pintér, J.D., eds., Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization with Case Studies, pp. 287-302. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2016. Co-authors: Fasano, G., Castellazzo, A., and Vola, M.
- Optimal packing of general ellipses in a circle. In: Takáč, M. and Terlaky, T., eds., Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2016), pp. 23-37. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2017. Co-authors: Kampas, F.J. and Castillo, I.
- Efficient piecewise linearization for a class of non-convex optimization problems: comparative results and extensions. In: Pintér, J.D. and Terlaky, T., eds., Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2017). Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2018. Co-author: Fasano, G.
- In: Pintér, J.D. and Terlaky, T., eds., Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2017). Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2018. Co-author: Terlaky, T. (Not counted as a separate book chapter item, added for completeness.)
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Maximal deviation of empirical pdf-sequences: application to a multi-period reliability type inventory model. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 1 (1975) 189-195. (In Hungarian)
- Technico-economic water quality model of the Sajó river. Hidrológiai Közlöny 57 (1977) 27-37. Co-authors: Bora, Gy., Hock, B., Mucsy, Gy., Réczey, G. and Röszler, K. (In Hungarian)
- Water resources management model for the Sajó region. Vizügyi Közlemények (1977) 3, 418-426. (In Hungarian)
- Random search procedures: convergence and numerical efficiency. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 4 (1978) 197-228. (In Hungarian)
- Stochastic models for regional water quality management. Hidrológiai Közlöny 60 (1980) 364-373. (In Hungarian)
- On a method of random search for unconstrained minimization. Avtomatika i Telemekhanika (1980) No. 12, 76-85. (In Russian; English translation in: Automation and Remote Control (1980) No. 12.)
- Hybrid procedures for solving non-smooth stochastic problems. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 7 (1981) 83-97. (In Hungarian)
- Stochastic methods for solving optimization problems. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 7 (1981) 217-252. (In Hungarian)
- Hybrid procedures for solving non-smooth constrained stochastic optimization problems. Vestnik MGU, Ser. VMK (1982) 1, 39-49. (In Russian; English translation in: Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (1982) No. 1.)
- An improved Chebyshev inequality for estimating function values by Monte Carlo procedures. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 9 (1983) 93-104. (In Hungarian)
- Convergence properties of stochastic optimization procedures. Optimization 15 (1984) 405-427.
- A modified Bernstein-technique for estimating noise-perturbed function values. Calcolo 22 (1985) 241-247.
- A note on the frequency analysis and the statistical extrema of maximal precipitation. Vizügyi Közlemények 67 (1985) 348-353. (In Hungarian)
- Globally convergent methods for n-dimensional multiextremal optimization. Optimization 17 (1986) 187-202.
- Extended univariate algorithms for n-dimensional global optimization. Computing 36 (1986) 91-103.
- Multiextremal optimization for calibrating water resources models. Environmental Software 1 (1986) 98-105. Co-authors: Szabó, J. and Somlyódy, L.
- Global optimization on convex sets. Operations Research Spektrum 8 (1986) 197-202.
- Water quality management: Methodology and applications. Foundations of Control Engineering 11 (1986) 177-189. Co-author: Somlyódy, L.
- Global optimization procedures and their applications in water resources modelling. Vizügyi Közlemények 68 (1986) 520-529. (In Hungarian) Co-author: Szabó, J.
- Optimization of regional water quality monitoring strategies. Water Science and Technology 19 (1987) 721-727. Co-author: Somlyódy, L.
- A conceptual optimization framework for regional acidification control. Systems Analysis, Modelling and Simulation 4 (1987) 213-226.
- Branch-and-bound algorithms for solving global optimization problems with Lipschitzian structure. Optimization 19 (1988) 101-110.
- Deterministic approximations of probability inequalities. ZOR – Methods and Models of Operations Research, Series Theory 33 (1989) 219-239.
- Optimization in risk management. Civil Engineering Systems 6 (1989) 122-128. Co-author: Cooke, R.
- Environmental risk analysis and management. Hidrológiai Közlöny 69 (1989) 264-268. (In Hungarian)
- Solving nonlinear equation systems via global partition and search: some experimental results. Computing 43 (1990) 309-323.
- On the convergence of adaptive partition algorithms in global optimization. Optimization 21 (1990) 231-235.
- Risk management of accidental water pollution: an illustrative application. Water Science and Technology 22 (1990) 265-274. Co-authors: Benedek, P. and Darázs, A.
- Globally optimized calibration of environmental models. Annals of Operations Research 25 (1990) 211-222.
- Adaptive partition strategies for solving global optimization problems. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 15 (1990/1991) 329-352. (In Hungarian)
- Stochastic modelling and optimization for environmental management. Annals of Operations Research 31 (1991) 527-544.
- Global convergence revisited: Reply to A. Zilinskas. Computing 46 (1991) 87-91.
- Set partition by globally optimized cluster seed points. European Journal of Operational Research 51 (1991) 127-135. Co-author: Pesti, G.
- An application of Lipschitzian global optimization to product design. Journal of Global Optimization 1 (1991) 389-401. Co-author: Hendrix, E.M.T.
- Convergence qualification of partition algorithms in global optimization. Mathematical Programming 56 (1992) 343-360.
- The impact of accelerating tools on the interval subdivision algorithm for global optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 65 (1993) 314-320. Co-author: Csendes, T.
- Environmental model calibration under different problem specifications: an application to the model SED. Ecological Modelling 68 (1993) 1-19. Co-author: van der Molen, D.T.
- A new interval method for locating the boundary of level sets. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 49 (1993) No. 1-2, 53-59. Co-author: Csendes, T.
- An intelligent decision support system for assisting industrial wastewater management. Annals of Operations Research 58 (1995) 455-477. Co-authors: Fels, M, Lycon, D.S., Meeuwig, D.J., and Meeuwig, J.W.
- Continuous and Lipschitz global optimization: algorithms and applications. Szigma XXVII (1996) 3, 71-104. (In Hungarian)
- Optimized design of wastewater treatment systems: application to the mechanical pulp and paper industry. I. Design and cost relationships. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 75 (1997) 437-451. Co-authors: Fels, M. and Lycon, D.S.
- Automatic model calibration applying global optimization techniques. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 3 (1998) 117-126. Co-authors: Finley, J.R. and Satish, M.G.
- Globally optimized spherical point arrangements: model variants and illustrative results. Annals of Operations Research 104 (2001) 213-230.
- Finding elliptic Fekete points sets: two numerical solution approaches. (Revised version.) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 130 (2001) No. 1-2, pp. 205-216. Co-authors: Stortelder, W.J.H. and de Swart, J.J.B.
- An optimization-based approach to the multiple static delivery technique in radiation therapy. (Revised version.) Annals of Operations Research 119 (2003) 205-227. Co-authors: Tervo, J., Kolmonen, P., Lyyra-Laitinen, T., and Lahtinen, T.
- A global optimization approach to laser design. Optimization and Engineering 4 (2003) (3) 177-196. Co-authors: Isenor, G. and Cada, M.
- Globally optimized calibration of nonlinear models: techniques, software, and applications. Optimization Methods and Software 18 (2003) (3) 335-355.
- Comparative assessment of algorithms and software for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 31 (2005) 613-633. Co-authors: Khompatraporn, C. and Zabinsky, Z.B.
- Nonlinear optimization in Mathematica with MathOptimizer Professional. Mathematica in Education and Research 10 (2005) 2, 1-18. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Configuration analysis and design by using optimization tools in Mathematica. The Mathematica Journal 10 (2006) 1, 128-154. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Global Optimization Toolbox for Maple: an introduction with illustrative applications. Optimization Methods and Software 21 (2006) 565-582. Co-authors: Linder, D. and Chin, P.
- Nonlinear optimization with GAMS/LGO. Journal of Global Optimization 38 (2007) 79-101.
- Integrated production system optimization using the Lipschitz Global Optimizer and the Discrete Gradient Method. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 (2007) 2, 257-277. Co-authors: Mason, T.L., Emelle, C., van Berkel, J., Bagirov, A.M., and Kampas, F.J.
- Integrated software tools for the OR/MS classroom. Algorithmic Operations Research 3 (2008) 82–91. Co-authors: Castillo, I. and Lee, T.
- Solving circle packing problems by global optimization: numerical results and industrial applications. European Journal of Operational Research 191 (2008) 786–802. Co-authors: Castillo, I. and Kampas, F.J.
- Model development and optimization in interactive computing environments. Central European Journal of Operations Research 16 (2008) 165–178.
- A global optimization study on the devolatilisation kinetics of coal, biomass and waste fuels. Fuel Processing Technology 90 (2009) 762-769. Co-authors: Pantoleontos, G., Basinas, P. Skodras, G., Grammelis, P. Topis, S., Sakellaropoulos, G.P.
- A computational geometric / information theoretic method to invert physics-based MEC model attributes for MEC discrimination. Mathematical Machines and Systems (2011) No 2, pp. 50-61. (Mathematical Machines and Systems is published by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.) Co-authors: Deschaine, L.M. and Nordin, P.
- Benchmarking nonlinear optimization software in technical computing environments: global optimization in Mathematica with MathOptimizer Professional. TOP (An official journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research) 21 (2013), 133-162. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Calibrating artificial neural networks by global optimization. Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 25–32.
- Development and calibration of currency market strategies by global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 56 (2013), 353-371. Co-author: Çağlayan, M.O.
- Integrated experimental design and nonlinear optimization to handle computationally expensive models under resource constraints. Journal of Global Optimization 57 (2013) 191-215. Co-author: Horváth, Z.
- Groundwater remediation design using physics-based flow, transport, and optimization technologies. Environmental Systems Research 2 (2013) 2:6. Available at Co-authors: Deschaine, L.M. and Lillys, T.P.
- Benchmarking the LGO solver suite within the COCO test environment. Acta Technica Jauriensis 7 (2014), 156–171. Co-author: Hatwágner, M.F.
- Distance correlation based nearly orthogonal space-filling experimental designs. International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation 4 (2015) 3/4, 216-233. Co-authors: Shamsuzzaman, Md. and Satish, M.G.
- Obituary: János Fodor 1956–2016. European Journal of Operational Research 258 (2017) 2. Co-author: Fullér, R.
- How difficult is nonlinear optimization? A practical solver tuning approach, with illustrative results. Annals of Operations Research 265 (2018) 1, 119–141.
- Globally optimized packings of non-uniform size spheres in R𝑑: a computational study. Optimization Letters 12 (2018) 3, 585-613. Co-authors: Kampas, F.J. and Castillo, I.
- Optimized ellipse packings in regular polygons using embedded Lagrange multipliers.
- Optimization Letters (2019); online Co-authors: Kampas, F.J. and Castillo, I.
- Packing ovals in optimized regular polygons. Journal of Global Optimization (2019, to appear). Co-authors: Kampas, F.J. and Castillo, I.
- Largest small n-polygons: numerical results and conjectured optima. (Submitted for publication)
- Applied global optimization. Invited review, European Journal of Operational Research. (In progress)
- AMPL-LGO solver for global-local nonlinear optimization: key features, with illustrative performance results. Co-author: Zverovich, V. (In progress)
- Constrained global optimization test models based on finite general object packing problems. Co-authors: Kampas, F.J. and Castillo, I. (In progress)
- Composite test functions for benchmarking nonlinear optimization software. (In progress)
Selected Contributions to Conference Proceedings
- Mathematical model for water quality management in the Sajó river, pp. 400–431. In: Deininger, R.A., ed. WHO Seminar on Systems Analysis in Water Quality Management (Budapest, 1975); University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1977. Co-authors: Bora, Gy., Francia, L., Kulcsár, D. and Réczey, G.
- On the maximal distance between two series of empirical distribution functions, with application to an inventory problem. Methods of Operations Research 29 (1978) 623–636.
- Some methodological aspects of optimization techniques in water quality management. In: WHO Seminar on Water Quality Management (Budapest, 1977), pp. 164–171. Water Resources Management Institute, Budapest, 1978.
- On the convergence and efficiency of random search optimization. Methods of Operations Research 33 (1979) 347–362.
- On a stochastic model of reservoir system sizing. In: Iracki, K., Malanowski, K. and Walukiewicz, S., eds. Proceedings of the 9th IFIP Conference on Optimization Techniques (Warsaw, 1979), pp. 546–558. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 23, Springer, Berlin.
- Stochastically combined optimization procedures, their convergence and numerical performance. Methods of Operations Research 43 (1981) 143–150.
- Stochastic procedures for solving optimization problems. Methods of Operations Research 45 (1983) 135–144.
- Multiextremal (global) optimization algorithms for engineering applications. In: Fourth International Conference on Engineering Software (ENGSOFT ’85, Kensington, 1985), pp. 7–17 to 7–25. Springer, Berlin, 1985. Co-author: Szabó, J.
- Global optimization algorithms: An axiomatic approach. In: 30th Scientific Colloquium, Series E, pp. 117–120. Technical University of Ilmenau, 1985.
- Contributions to the methodology of stochastic optimization. In: IFIP Workshop on Stochastic Programming (Gargnano, Sept. 1983). Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 76, Springer, Berlin, 1986.
- A stochastic lake eutrophication management model. In: Arkin, V.I., Shiriaev, A.N. and Wets, R., eds. Stochastic Optimization (Kiev, 1984), pp. 501-512. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 81, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986. Co-author: Somlyódy, L.
- Sampling strategy optimization for regional water quality monitoring. In: 5th IFAC/IFORS Conference on Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies. (Budapest, June 1986.) Co-author: Somlyódy, L.
- Global optimization algorithms: Theory and some applications. In: Prékopa, A. Straziczky, B. and Szelezsán, J., eds. 12th IFIP Conference on Systems Modelling and Optimization (Budapest, 1985), pp. 704-713. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 84, Springer, Berlin, 1986. Co-author: Szabó, J.
- Estimating averages and detecting trends in water quality data. In: 2nd Scientific Assembly of the International Association for Hydrologic Sciences (Budapest, 1986); IAHS Publications 157 (1986) 61–69. Co-authors: Somlyódy, L., Koncsos, L., Hanácsek, I. and Juhász, I.
- Water quality and management modelling of non-point source pollution – A case study. In: 2nd Scientific Assembly of the International Association for Hydrologic Sciences (Budapest, 1986); IAHS Publications 157 (1986) 197–206. Co-author: Jolánkai, G.
- Optimization of regional water quality monitoring strategies. In: 2nd Scientific Assembly of the International Association for Hydrologic Sciences (Budapest, 1986); IAHS Publications 158 (1986) 259–268. Co-author: Somlyódy, L.
- Optimization models in water quality control. In: Beck, M.B., ed. Systems Analysis in Water Quality Management ( WATERMATEX 87, London, 1987) pp. 201–210. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1987. Co-author: Somlyódy, L.
- Extreme order statistics applied for optimum estimation in ‘hard’ MP problems. In: Transactions of the Tenth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, and Random Processes (Prague, July, 1986), 321-328. Publishing House of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1988. Co-author: C. Fodor, J.
- A new stochastic approach for controlling point source river pollution. In: 3rd Scientific Assembly of the International Association for Hydrologic Sciences (Baltimore, 1989); IAHS Publications 180 (1989) 241–249. Co-authors: Boon, J.G. and Somlyódy, L.
- Combining expert opinions: An optimized negotiation approach. In: Chikán, A., ed. 4th Int. Conf. on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory (Budapest, June 1988). Reidel, Dordrecht, 1990. Co-author: Cooke, R.
- Aquifer model calibration applying global optimization. 3rd IASTED Conf. Reliability, Control and Risk Assessment (Washington, D.C., Oct. 1994.) Co-authors: Finley, J.R. and Satish, M.G.
- Optimal load distribution. In: Advances in Military Load Carriage. Proc. TTCP-TLG-8 and TCIEM Workshop (Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, October 1996), pp. 26-27. Co-author: Pelot, R.P.
- A global optimization approach to inverse groundwater model calibration. Extended abstract in: IASTED Conf. MIC’98 (Grindelwald, Switzerland, Febr. 18-20, 1998.) Co-author: Satish, M.G.
- An application development system for global optimization. Invited tutorial presentation. Extended abstract in: IASTED Conf. MIC’98 (Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 18-20, 1998.)
- Computational global optimization: Models, algorithms and applications. Invited tutorial presentation. In: Mohammadian, M., ed. Concurrent Systems Engineering Series 55 ( CIMCA’99, Vienna, Febr. 17-19, 1999); pp. 1-10. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1999.
- Optimization of finite element models with MathOptimizer and ModelMaker. Proceedings of the 2003 Wolfram Technology Conference, Conferences/5347/. Co-author: Purcell, C.J.
- MathOptimizer Professional. Proceedings of the 2003 Wolfram Technology Conference, Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Generalized circle packings: model formulations and numerical results. Proceedings of the 6th International Mathematica Symposium (Banff, August 2004). Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Advanced nonlinear optimization in Mathematica. Proceedings of the 2004 Wolfram Technology Conference Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Global Optimization Toolbox for Maple: introduction and applications. In: Koutsiras, I.S., ed. Proceedings of the 2005 Maple Conference, pp. 70-85. Maplesoft, Waterloo, ON, 2005.
- Global optimization in Mathematica: a comparative numerical study. Proceedings of the 2005 Wolfram Technology Conference Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- MathOptimizer Professional: new features and applications. Proceedings of the 2006 Wolfram Technology Conference Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Testing the “No free lunch theorem” for circle and sphere packings with MathOptimizer Professional. Proceedings of the 2007 Wolfram Technology Conference Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Optimized calibration of currency market strategies. Co-author: Çağlayan, M.O. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in the Financial Sector (24th MEC-EUROPT, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, June 23-26, 2010).
- Global optimization in practice: solver implementations and applications. Proceedings of the Conference on Challenges in Statistics and Operations Research (CSOR2011), Kuwait City, Kuwait, March 8-10, 2011.
- A novel optimization approach for developing foods that address childhood malnutrition.Proc. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (To appear) Co-authors: Fereno, Ch., Shankar. S., Corr, S., and Herz, L.
Selected Research Reports and Other Publications
- Stochastic programming model applied to water resources management. Research Report No. 11, Computing Center for Universities, Budapest, 1975.
- Evaluation of a stochastic gradient optimization algorithm. Research Report No. 23, Computing Center for Universities, Budapest, 1978.
- A unified approach to globally convergent one-dimensional optimization algorithms. Research Report 83–5, Institute for Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Milano, 1983.
- Selecting oil exploration strategies: some stochastic programming formulations and solution methods. Research Report CMI 852611-1, Christian Michelsen Institute, Fantoft, Bergen, Norway, 1985. Co-author: Flåm, D.
- Deterministic approximations of probability inequalities. Research Report 87–43, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1987.
- Multiextremal optimization via adaptive partition algorithms. Research Report 87–44, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1987.
- Mathematical programming in risk management. Research Report 87–50, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1987. Co-author: Cooke, R.
- Convergence qualification of partition algorithms in global optimization. Research Report 87–61, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1987.
- Combining expert opinions: an optimization approach. Research Report 87–84, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1987. Co-author: Cooke, R.
- Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Solving Multiextremal Optimization Problems. Lecture Notes, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1987.
- River basin water quality management: a stochastic approach. An application to the River Zala, Hungary. Research Report, Agricultural University of Wageningen, and Water Resources Research Centre, Budapest, 1988. Co-authors: Boon, J.G. and Somlyódy, L.
- Adaptive partition methods for global optimization: theory and applications. Working Paper, Water Resources Research Centre, Budapest, 1989.
- Lipschitzian global optimization: theory and applications. Research Report 90.020, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad.
- Model calibration: problem statement, solution method and implementation manual. Research Report 90.024, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1990.
- Stochastic decision models for risk analysis and management: a brief methodological overview. Research Report 90.068, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1990.
- Simplicial partition strategies for Lipschitzian global optimization. Working Paper, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1991.
- An application of Lipschitzian global optimization to product design. Research Report 91.01, Department of Mathematics, Agricultural University, Wageningen, 1991. Co-author: Hendrix, E.M.T.
- Calibration of the model system DELWAQ-IMPAQT for the lake Ketelmeer. Research Report 91.001, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1991. Co-authors: ten Hulscher, D. and Bak-Eijsberg, C.
- Groundwater quality assessment and management: a stochastic modelling approach. Research Report 91.009, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1991. Co-author: De Lange, W.J.
- Calibration of the one-dimensional flow model ZWENDL in the Noordelijk Deltabekken region: some illustrative results. Research Report 91.028, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1991. Co-authors: Voogt, L., van Zetten, J. and Bak-Eijsberg, C.
- Groundwater quality assessment and management: illustrative numerical results. Research Report 91.031, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1991. Co-author: De Lange, W.J.
- Calibration under different problem specifications: application to the model SED. Research Report 91.049, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad, 1991. Co-author: Van der Molen, D.T.
- Lipschitzian global optimization: some prospective applications. (Revised and extended version.) Working Paper 92–01, School of Business Administration, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 1992.
- ESIS – An intelligent decision support system for assisting industrial wastewater management. Working Paper 93-03, School of Business Administration, and School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Co-authors: Meeuwig, J.W., Meeuwig, D.J., Fels, M. and Lycon, D.S.
- Environmentally Sensitive Investment System (ESIS) Project – Final Report. School of Business Administration, and School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 1993. (185 pages)
- Combining negotiated expert opinions: a global optimization approach. Working Paper, Department of Industrial Engineeering, Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, 1994. Co-author: Cooke, R.
- Environmental Studies Centers Development in Indonesia (ESCDI) Project: Environmental Modelling. End of Assignment Report. (Agricultural University, Bogor, Java); PPPSL (Jakarta) and Dalhousie University, Halifax. (55 pages) Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, 1994.
- Environmental Studies Centers Development in Indonesia (ESCDI) Project: Environmental Modelling. End of Assignment Report (University of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Sumatra); PPPSL (Jakarta) and Dalhousie University, Halifax. (74 pages) Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, 1995.
- LGO: An implementation of a Lipschitzian global optimization procedure. User’s Guide. Research Report NM-R9522, Department of Numerical Mathematics, National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, 1995.
- Advanced personal load carriage system. Project report submitted to the Atlantic Industrial Research Institute, by Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, 1996. (48 pages)
- Continuous global optimization software: A brief review. (Invited contribution.) Optima 52 (1996) 1-8.
- Modelling support for stochastic programs. Project Report submitted to the School of Business, Dalhousie University. Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, 1996. (35 pages)
- Modelling tools for stochastic programs. Working Paper 97-1, School of Business Administration, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Co-author: Gassmann, H.I.
- Computation of elliptic Fekete point sets. Research Report MAS-R9705, Department of Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, 1997. Co-authors: Stortelder, W.J.H. and de Swart, J.J.B.
- Advanced decision support for nonlinear systems modelling and optimization. CORS Bulletin 32 (1998) 1, 20-21.
- Continuous global optimization: a personal perspective. Invited feature article. CORS Bulletin 32 (1998) 2, 10-27.
- An LF-based application development system for global optimization. Fortran Source 14 (1998) 3. Lahey Computer Systems, Incline Village, NV.
- Finding elliptic Fekete point sets: two numerical solution approaches. CWI Quarterly, National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam 12 (1999) 1, 63-76. Co-authors: Stortelder, W.J.H. and de Swart, J.J.B.
- LGO: an integrated model development and solver system for continuous global optimization. INFORMS Computing Society Newsletter 20 (1999) 1, 14.
- Continuous global optimization: an introduction to models, solution approaches, tests and applications. Interactive Transactions in Operations Research and Management Science 2 (1999) No. 2;
- An optimization-based approach to the multiple static delivery technique in radiation therapy. Research Report A/1999/4, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Kuopio, Finland. Co-authors: Tervo, J., Kolmonen, P., Lyyra-Laitinen, T., and Lahtinen, T.
- LGO global solver engine for Excel – Premium Solver Platform implementation. User Guide. Frontline Systems, Incline Village, NV, and Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, NS, 2001.
- MathOptimizer – An advanced modeling and optimization system for Mathematica u User Guide. Pintér Consulting Services, Inc., Halifax, NS, 2002.
- The potentials of Mathematica in Operations Research and related applications. Mathematica Information Center, 2003.
- GAMS/LGO solver engine: user guide. GAMS Solver Documentation Pages, 2003.
- MathOptimizer Professional – An advanced modeling and optimization system for Mathematica, using the LGO solver engine: uUser guide. Pintér Consulting Services, Inc., Halifax, NS, 2003. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- GAMS/LGO nonlinear solver suite: key features, usage, and numerical performance. GAMS Solver Documentation Pages, 2003.
- TOMLAB/LGO user guide. TOMLAB Solver Documentation Pages, 2004. Co-authors: Holmström, K., Goran, A.O. and Edvall, M.M.
- CIAO-GO – a model development and solver system for global and local nonlinear optimization. user guide. Research Report, CIAO-ITMS, University of Ballarat, Co-authors: Bagirov, A.M. and Rubinov, A.M.
- An illustrated collection of global optimization test problems. Research Report, CIAO-ITMS, University of Ballarat, Co-authors: Bagirov, A.M. and Zhang, J.
- Nonlinear systems modeling and optimization: software implementations and applications. Modeling and Simulation 3 (2004) 2, 17-18.
- MathOptimizer Professional,, 2004. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Getting started with MathOptimizer Professional, TechNotes/6201/, 2004. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- Packing equal-size circles in a triangle, TechNotes/6202/, 2005. Co-author: Kampas, F.J.
- AIMMS/LGO solver engine: a brief introduction and user’s guide., 2005.
- Mathematical Programming Glossary Supplement: Global Optimization, 2005.
- MathWorld entry: Operations Research, 2005.
- MathWorld entry: Global Optimization, 2005.
- Nonlinear optimization with MPL /LGO: introduction and user’s guide. Maximal Software, Arlington, VA, and Pintér Consulting Services, Halifax, NS, 2006.
- Enhancement of optimization capability in TacTool using the Lipschitz Global Optimizer (LGO) program. Technical Report, DRDC Atlantic Region, Dartmouth, NS, 2006. Co-authors: Gammon, M.A. and Schwartz, R.
- Driving innovation: how mathematical modeling and optimization increase efficiency and productivity in vehicle design. Technical Report, Maplesoft, Waterloo, ON, 2007. Co-authors: Goossens, P., McPhee, J., Schmitke, C., and Stahl, H.
- Computational global optimization: state-of-the-art and perspectives. ORMS Today (2007) October issue.
- Combining population based search with nonlinear optimization to assist decision making in presence of multiple objectives. Technical Memorandum, Defence R&D Canada – Atlantic Region, December 2010. Co-author: Mark A. Gammon.
- RSS+LGO − A regularly spaced sampling method for experimental design integrated with the LGO solver suite for nonlinear optimization. Project Report, TÁMOP 4.2.2-08/01-2008-0021 Project, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary, June 2011.
- Distance correlation based search approaches to find nearly orthogonal space-filling experimental designs. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada. Co-authors: Shamsuzzaman, M. and Satish, M.G.
- LGO – A model development and solver system for global-local nonlinear optimization. User’s Guide. Current edition: December 2017. Pintér Consulting Services, Inc., Canada.
- LGO-MINLP – A model development and solver system for mixed integer-continuous nonlinear programming. User’s Guide. Current edition: June 2014. Pintér Consulting Services, Inc., Canada.
- Decision support for complex planning challenges. Research Report, HydroGeoLogic, Reston, VA, 2015. Co-author: Larry M. Deschaine.
Invited Book and Software Reviews
- Mathematical Programming Glossary on the World Wide Web, by Greenberg, H.J. Optima 53 (1997) 9-10.
- Developments in Global Optimization, by Bomze, I.M., Csendes, T., Horst, R. and Pardalos, P.M., eds. Optima 57 (1998) 12-13.
- Meta-Heuristics, by Osman, I.H. and Kelly, J.P., eds. Journal of Global Optimization 15 (1999) 105-107.
- Parallel Optimization, by Censor, Y. and Zenios, S.A. Journal of Global Optimization (2000) 107-108.
- Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, by Voss, S., Martello, S., Osman, I.H., and Roucairol, C., eds. Interfaces 30 (2000) 94-95.
- Operations Research: A Practical Introduction, by Carter, M.W. and Price, C.C. Interfaces 32 (2002) 96-97.
- Interactive Operations Research with Maple, by Parlar, M. Interfaces 32 (2002) 99-101.
- Handbook of Applied Optimization, by Pardalos, P.M. and Resende, M.G.C., eds. Optimization Methods and Software 21 (2006) 4, 667-676.
- Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1, by Fritzson, P. Mathematica in Education and Research 11 (2006) 4, 498-505.
- Introduction to Applied Optimization, by Diwekar, U.M. European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 646-648.