Dr. Pintér is the developer of LGO, an integrated suite of global and local optimization algorithms. LGO enables the handlling of highly nonlinear optimization models under ‘minimal’ analytical assumptions (essentially requiring only model function evaluations). The robust LGO solver suite consistently and efficiently finds high quality solutions to hard problems, as documented also by an extensive list or scholarly publications by its author and peers.
The core LGO solver suite is implemented and delivered as a compiled product. LGO supports optional links to spreadsheets, optimization modeling languages (currently: AMPL, GAMS, MPL), and integrated scientific-technical computing systems (currently: Mathematica, Matlab, Maple).
These professional software products have been in use around the world at hundreds of academic, business, government, and research organizations.
On demand, Dr. Pintér also offers consulting services, lectures and training courses focused on computational nonlinear optimization.