Step 1: Determine the facts
- Jack is in Kenya for 5 months
- Center for former street youth
- Jack was the gift distributor because he was a guest
- Gifts were from a separate donor
- The kids thought that Jack got the kids the gifts
- 4 kids didn’t get gifts and blamed Jack
- The 4 kids without gifts were unhappy
- The 4 kids got a black hat at the end
- Jack wants a good relationship with the kids and the center
- The people at the community center don’t care that the kids didn’t get gifts
- Jack is Steve Suffian – cool hippie guy with cooler girlfriend
Step 2: Define the problem and stakeholders
The problem is that 4 kids did not get gifts during a ceremony, and were given black hats afterward as leftover gifts without the ceremonial recognition.
- Jack
- Kids
- Center
- Funders of the gifts
- Funders of Jack’s venture
Step 3: Determine the motivations of the stakeholders.
- Jack
- Personal: He wants to be liked and seen as a good person by people.
- Professional: He wants to have a good long term relationship with the children and the center staff during his stay in Kenya.
- Kids who didn’t get the gifts:
- They want to be recognized in a ceremony along with the others and receive the same gifts so that they don’t feel left out when everyone else is opening and later using their gifts.
- Kids who did
- They might bully the other kids by making fun of their hats that mean nothing.
- Center
- Personal: The staff thinks that Jack is being dramatic and they just want to stop being bothered. They might be offended if Jack comes in and criticizes them for something that isn’t their fault since they weren’t the ones who bought the gifts.
- Professional: They don’t want Jack to become a children’s rights activist and publicly broadcast the center in a bad image because it might ruin their reputation.
- Funders of gifts
- Want to maintain a good reputation and a good relationship with the center for future gift-giving which is really just a form of publicity.
- Funders of Jack’s venture
- Personal: Don’t want to feel embarrassed about their choice to send Jack.
- Professional: don’t him to get sent home and lose their investment
Step 4: Formulate 3 alternative solutions
- Jack can approach the children separately and give them real gifts by himself.
- this solution does not involve the center and it solves the problems by ensuring that all kids get a gift. It saves face with the children because now they will not hate him and they will have a good relationship with him. However, the con is that this might be seen as special treatment from the other kids, especially if the 5 kids get better or more gifts than them. The short-term implications of this solution are that the kids will be happy and have a good relationship with Jack and they will be more willing to take part in his study while he is there. The long-term implications are that they might still feel left out and have strained relationships with the others because they weren’t able to take part in the original ceremony.
- Hold another non-related party but have Jack present those 4 kids gifts
- this solves the problem by giving the kids the ceremonial recognition in front of their friends while also giving them gifts. It would save the children’s faces because they get gifts and attention just like their friends. The con is that the kids might feel embarrassed and this is not a cost-efficient method for Jack to be engaged in. There is no guarantee that the kids might like this idea and it has more negatives than positives because it could harm Jack’s relationship with the center and with the other kids who felt excluded in the second party.
- Do not give the children gifts
- this would solve the problem by letting time heal any current wounds. There would be no cost involved for any party and the center is left unbothered by Jack, saving their face from Jack’s complaints. The kids would temporarily feel sad and left out but would eventually get over it as Jack is a good person and they’ll open up to him eventually. Although, it is possible that any hateful feelings could last longer than expected and Jack would not have a good relationship with the kids during his time there.
Step 5: Seek additional assistance, as appropriate –
We have experience with kids from Sierra Leone.
Step 6: Select the best course of action
I think the first option is the best solution, especially if the gifts were inexpensive and easy to obtain. This does not involve the clinic and it would just help Jack feel at ease knowing that he’s making up for the kids not getting their gifts initially.
Step 7: List the sequence of actions you will take to implement your solution.
- Jack will buy the gifts
- Jack will give the children a gift without the center having to pay or host a party.
- everyone goes home happy, except maybe jack’s wallet.