Tough Days in the Pandemic and Getting Through Them: Planning Activities
by Claire Kirshenbaum, Class of 2024

On tough days it can be hard to get the things done that we need to do. We can very easily become overwhelmed with work. On tougher days some tasks feel like a lot more work. This stress can lead us to ignore our own needs.
An idea to combat this is to plan out and organize your day. This will help you get everything you need done. If you plan out your day you can build in time for yourself and activities. And on those really tough days planning helps you to be able to have nothing left to do and just hang out, doing whatever feels right for you.
Planning also leaves you room to plan for yourself and for healthy activities like exercise, a walk, reading a book you like, or even just cuddling up and watching tv. Doing these things while having a plan to fulfill all your tasks for the day can help you to not feel overwhelmed with what you have to do or guilty about taking time for yourself. These activities can be very beneficial to your mental and physical well-being.