Blog 4: QFT, Theory of Change, M&E

Jack Sherman

1. List the top 20 questions your team needs to answer to advance
the venture forward. Categorize the questions if necessary.

  1. Why does the world need our project? Does it?
  2. Should we tailor our project to meet the research goals outlined in potential grant opportunities?
  3. How can we improve the office space environment?
  4. What is unique about our project?
  5. While it makes the most sense to be geared towards offices, is there a day where we can be geared towards other consumers? Does this matter? 
  6. Removing practical limitations, what is our ideal target market
  7. What is the most important step in making our product a reality and beginning to manufacture it? 
  8. How much do we need to focus on sustainable sourcing?
  9. How can using beneficial microorganisms remove the necessity of adding an excess of nutrients into our hydroponic systems? 
  10. What plants do we need to focus on implementing? How feasible is the idea about the native plant incorporation and would this assist our systems in running smoothly? Could this be applied regionally (for instance cacti in AZ)?
  11. How important is it that our product is self-sustaining?
  12. How can we enhance our product design to attract our target audience?
  13. How can we get a stable form of funding for our project?
  14. Where do we see our project in 5 years?
  15. How should we set up our pricing model?Pricing model?
  16. How confident are we that our preliminary research on the relationship between stress and plants is accurate
  17. How important is it to focus on IP rights and Copyrights right now? Will the Indiana company be an issue?
  18. Why do we think people would buy our product? 
  19. How can we measure the effect of well being our product is providing to people working in corporate offices?
  20. How much info on Biophilia is out there for us to utilize?

2. Develop and Visualize the Theory of Change (Logic Model) for your venture. Please submit a crisp visual.


3. Develop a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan for your venture. Identify short-term and long-term outcomes.

For the Outputs and Outcomes you identified:

What are your metrics of success?

  • Employee health data (sleep scores, heart health, etc)
  • product circulating in market for corporate workspaces
  • number of employees with access to natural workspaces
  • employee turnover rates (within individual companies)

How will you measure them?


  • Case studies- surveys on employee mental health
  • HR reports
  • Full and completed Biophilia Psych Study 
  • Manufacture a final prototype
  • Sign a Manufacturing Contract 
  • Collaborate with companies around the Lehigh community and expand corporation connections 
  • Expand research on how to make hydroponic system completely autonomous


  • Ecorealm has nationwide relevance and a visible impact on office stress and productivity 
  • Transforming the well being of employees by improving corporate office spaces 
  • Implementation of product in most office spaces in the US, expansion to international customers has begun. 

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