Jenn Nester’s CINQ388 Week 4 Blog

Jenn Nester’s CINQ388 Week 4 Blog Prompts


  1. Based on your life experience, skills, and interests, what would a design process that is both uniquely yours and effective look like?


After teaching in the public schools for the last two decades, my design process would be to personalize the learning experience as much as possible. For the more traditional learner, I have found the ADDIE design most effective: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. However, the iVR environment we are looking to launch will probably be more effective using a Spiral Design. This iterative design has such benefits as: 1) estimates (i.e. budget, schedule, etc.) become more realistic as work progresses, because important issues are discovered earlier and 2) the model is designed to cope with the inevitable changes to the learning experience that will happen over the course of design and delivery.


  1. Identify your three most important stakeholders and list five UNIQUE attributes for each one of them.
      1. Nature Centers
        1. Run by volunteers/ nature enthusiasts/Wildlife activists
        2. Non-profit/ donations
        3. Interested in educating local community members
        4. Community partnerships with local colleges/universities
        5. Programs for pre-K through continuing education
      2. Public libraries
        1. Educational programs designed and delivered by professional librarians
        2. Organized to serve local communities
        3. Funded with local taxes
        4. Programs geared toward school-age children
        5. Trained to use/learn about new technology
      3. People who are playing the iVR game
        1. Nontraditional students
        2. Participants by choice
        3. Varied interests
        4. Some individuals might have hours of experience with iVR and some may be using it for the first time
        5. As the ages of the individuals vary, so will their knowledge and concern with the environment.


  1. Identify three ways in which you will validate your project concept, technology, usability, and business model.
        1. Focus groups will provide feedback on the usability of the Oculus Go.
        2. Surveys will provide feedback to validate the efficacy of the technology.
        3. Assessments will be given at the conclusion of the experience to validate the success of the program to educate the public

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