LVSIF week#13 blog post

Blog #1

Refine the detailed income statement for your venture for two years (at six month intervals) or a more appropriate time scale. Explicitly state the assumptions that underlie your financial model.

  1. Income statement based on a rental model 

Lehigh River Watershed immersive learning (SPREADSHEET)   

2. Business Model

RENTAL of packages to libraries and/or bookstores (packages have 3 tiers)




10 headsets 20 headsets
  • Rechargeable Batteries, Battery charger, 50 hygiene headset masks
  • Rechargeable Batteries, Battery charger, 100 hygiene masks,power strip
  • Rechargeable Batteries, Battery charger, 200 headset masks, power strip
& Training
Online Playbook** customer support throughout rental period Online Playbook customer support throughout rental period Online Playbook customer support throughout rental period


No insurance coverage*** Minimum coverage Comprehensive Coverage
TOTAL $799.99 $1499.99 $2499.99

 2. Refine the Business Model for your venture based on your revenue model. You may use the Osterwalder BMC to refine your business model but prepare one or more visuals that explain how your venture will work and accomplish you BHAG

 SELL big packages to Educational/curriculum businesses (e.g., Powerschool and Cyberschool). *case by case basis, personalizable/variable design and pricing for specific “contractor”*


** Playbook: (“recipe” of how develop these immersive learning game/experiences for individuals who are interested in replicating in the future)


*** Customer liability during the period of the rental. Every equipment needs to be returned in the same state as they received.


    Micro: (individuals, families, etc.) Publish games on XR platform stores such as Oculus Store, and SteamVR @steady price of $2.99/game


Year 1: Direct implementation with partners, launch website for rental service in PA, market & publicize venture through working partners (STEM centers, immersive Learning Research Network, PPL Electric Utilities, etc.)

Year 2: Build rental service scale (beyond PA to DE, NY, NJ), develop connections with education/curriculum businesses, place games on platforms (Oculus Store, Steam VR), continue to market primary service (rental)

Year 3: Continue developing rental service scale to other states, launch service of “selling” designed packages to education/curriculum businesses, build connections to national networks (Discovery Education, National Geographic, etc.)

3. Develop an M&E plan for your venture. Clearly list all assumptions. Identify short-term and long-term success metrics. Identify specific methods to measure the metrics.

M&E Discussion
What are your metrics of success: reach X% of environmental science students in the US
Short term measure – reach 80% of students in Pennsylvania by partnering with…???
Long term measure – the changes of knowledge, skills, and beliefs about individuals impacts on their watershed.
USGS National database
→ Water Quality in the Nation’s Streams and Rivers – Current Conditions and Long-Term Trends
→Lehigh – HUC 02040106 (data sources being monitored in the Lehigh River watershed )

Number of environmental science students who have used/have access to the game

Metrics could be data from anyone playing the game
User feedback gathered from the Oculus, Steam, Discovery Ed stores…. (e.g., 5-star rating, qualitative written feedback provided), number of downloads, user activity on game