Fall 2020 – Weekly Blog 1

The auto-disable feature is an essential component of the syringe design. It ensures that the product is being used safely and reduces the risk of spreading disease. Unfortunately, adding this feature increases the cost of manufacturing, and in turn the selling price, to a point that is unaffordable for some hospitals and clinics. The problem here is that the syringe is a product that all hospitals should have access to, but if the auto-disable feature is a part of the design some cannot afford it. 

The stakeholders involved are the designers and manufacturers of the syringes, the hospitals and clinics that purchase the syringes, the doctors that use the syringes, and of course the patients that the syringes are being used on. The designers and manufacturers, the ones selling the syringes, need to design a safe to use syringe to avoid being held responsible for unnecessary death due to use of their equipment. On the other side, hospitals, doctors and patients obviously need equipment that they can safely use on their patients for the same reason.

In this case there are a few options that can be taken. Perhaps go back to the drawing board and redesign the syringe so that it can include the auto-disable feature at a reasonable cost. This solution could entail new materials selection or even a complete redesign. Additionally, the company responsible for designing and manufacturing these syringes could look for government funding to allow them to include the auto disable feature.

Another option would be not including the auto-disable feature but instead some sort of user manual that explicitly instructs doctors on how to safely use and dispose of the syringes. This option could include some sort of low cost seal that allows doctors to know whether the syringe has been used before. This option would be preferred in my mind as it both ensures the safety of all users and keeps the cost down. The designers and manufacturers are no longer accountable for unnecessary death, hospitals are able to purchase the syringes, and the doctors and patients can safely use the syringes with this design.