There are many benefits to living in a dormitory while attending college – you can meet lifelong friends, stress over exams with your hallmates, and experience a taste of what it is like living on your own. Though the thought of living in a building with hundreds of your peers is enticing to many, being surrounded by so many people can cause some issues to not only your health but also your academic success. One of the more overlooked yet extremely common issues of dormitory living is the smell! We all know how a bad stench can be a total mood killer and can distract us from the tasks that we need to do. Consider aromatherapy – an easy solution to the funk that’s worth giving the old college try.
Aromatherapy, as defined in an article by Healthline, is a “holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being”. Those who practice aromatherapy use essential oils, which are highly concentrated oils extracted from herbs and flowers, for a variety of reasons. To use essential oils you would need to dilute them in water as to decrease their potency and place them into an air diffuser that will release the diluted solution into your dorm. If you’re feeling anxious about school or just life in general, according to the Mayo Clinic, implementing lavender essential oils into your aromatherapy routine can help to alleviate it.
Natural Health Concepts sells essential oils that can help your dorm room be a more productive and comforting space. They’re stocked with brands such as Plant Therapy and NOW Foods. Plant Therapy carries high-quality oils such as carrot, sage, and clove bud, which are all common scents found in an aromatherapist’s practice; these oils are typically used to reduce stress and relax the user. An oil stocked by NOW Foods that I found interesting was their Bug Ban essential oil, which combines citronella, lemongrass, thyme, and rosemary oils to repel bugs that may be attracted to the funky trash your roommate claims they’ll throw out (but never does).
Consider essential oils to improve both your mental health and your environment’s health!