Design phase
Hershey: Professor Herz has a connection at Hershey and we have began to be in contact with them to establish a relationship. They might be able to fund testing of our cakes for the nutrients to make sure that our assumptions are right.
USAID DIV: We will have to test our muffins to make sure people like them and that mothers are willing to buy them and want to do so cost efficiently. This grant will help us do so. We will write a proposal stating how we will test our product and what the benefits will be.
Dissemination phase
USAID Food For Peace: They focus on development projects assisting food security which is ultimately the goal of our cakes. We will write a funding proposal to support the implementation of our cakes.
Gates foundation Global Grand Challenges: They don’t have any specific grant opportunities available right now but post them often. I know that this is a good opportunity because they have provided malnutrition focused ventures with grants in the past such as Creating Spirulina Microentrepreneurs to Solve Malnutrition and Folic Acid and Iron: Next Generation Nutrition in Uganda. I will keep looking at the website and wait for them to post a grant opportunity.