Environmental Sustainability
Frame Changers #95: The Great American Food Bank(ruptcy) Network
Frame Changers #84: How Fair is Fair Trade?
Frame Changers #77: Water Security 2020
Frame Changers #74: Vanity Cooler
Frame Changers #58: Community Food Security
Frame Changers #55: When Life Gives You Water, Drink It!
Frame Changers #53: Jatrophied Dreams
[Jatropha, an extremely hardy plant that provides oil for biofuels, was romanticized as the silver bullet to poverty alleviation and energy security. After billions of dollars and millions of livelihoods were compromised, the dream collapsed. Lets invest in research first and agree that there never were, and never will be, one-stop solutions and silver bullets.]
Frame Changers #46: Plug and Play Cows
[As I just discovered, a Turkish company, Ser-Gün, offers solar panels that can be mounted on donkeys as a way to support sheepherders. Wonder how the donkeys feel about their new payload and improved social status.]