[Lack of access to feminine hygiene products is a major reason why girls drop out of secondary school. Will the stigma around menstrual health be reduced if men start repurposing sanitary napkins to solve their own problems?]
Environmental Sustainability
Frame Changers #40: Food for Thought
Frame Changers #32: SUVs, Firewood and Sustainability Hypocrisy
Frame Changers #20: No More Fishing Lessons
[The “teach people how to fish” adage is naive, or even insulting, to highly-skilled fishermen in Africa whose lives and livelihoods are compromised due to various cultural, economic or political reasons. Read Kochia Chronicles; Story #8 to dive deeper into real challenges to sustainable aquaculture.]
Frame Changers #18: Repurposed Rainwater Gutters
Frame Changers #17: Who’s the Loser?
Frame Changers #13: The Tyranny of TEDx
Frame Changers #12: Life of an African Woman
Frame Changers #6: First the Bees, Then the Drones
[Bees (as pollinators) are responsible for one-third of the world’s food production…and they are disappearing.]