[Over the last decade, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of Chinese migrant sex workers in Africa, leading to increased tension with the native sex workers.]
Frame Changers #217: Empathic Concern
Frame Changers #208: Corporate Honesty
Frame Changers #200: Strengthen the Sweatshops!
[Boycotting sweatshops leads to thousands of people in developing countries losing the only jobs they can get. Often times, sweatshop jobs pay more, and are more reliable than, other local opportunities. Improving working conditions and pay, and eliminating exploitation through regulation and worker education, are more practical approaches.]
Frame Changers #199: Crowdfunding Rocks
Frame Changers #194: Bluetooth + Browntooth Coexistence
Frame Changers #181: Big Book of Priorities
Frame Changers #174: Problem or Solution?
Frame Changers #160: Microfinance Mania and Maneuvers
[Microfinance works in different ways across the world. MFIs in East Africa routinely expect physical collateral (as opposed to the basic principle of social collateral that it was founded on), charge predatory interest rates (18% – 60%), and seldom provide ongoing support through capacity building and business mentoring.]
Frame Changers #159: Death by Regulation
[Fair Trade Coffee is a great idea, and so is regulation to ensure equity across the supply chains. However, when coffee farmers are expected to meet 100+ rules and regulations, the process can be burdensome and expensive. That’s one of several problems with Fair Trade Coffee.]