This is Africa
Frame Changers #64: Humble Aspirations
Frame Changers #62: BOGO Brides
[Mzungu = foreigner = white person. Buy One, Give One (BOGO) is a cause marketing strategy where companies charge a premium on products in Western markets and donate a cheaper version of the product in poor countries. While it has been a successful marketing strategy for western companies (like TOMS Shoes), it inhibits long-term economic growth in developing countries.]
Frame Changers #61: I Know It When I See It
[Is poverty porn exploration or exploitation? It’s hard to generalize but I get especially skeptical when “tours” are run by outsiders and a very small fraction of the profit is invested in projects identified by the community.]
Frame Changers #60: Whatever Shells the Corn!
Frame Changers #58: Community Food Security
Frame Changers #56: Picky Picky Drivers
[Piki-Piki = motorbike taxi. Indian and Chinese motorbikes have transformed life in East Africa while providing self-employment opportunities to tens of thousands of young men. Its troubling when a 23-year old refuses to work in the late evening when everyone needs a ride home. Some men make just enough money for the day and go drinking with friends.]
Frame Changers #55: When Life Gives You Water, Drink It!
Frame Changers #53: Jatrophied Dreams
[Jatropha, an extremely hardy plant that provides oil for biofuels, was romanticized as the silver bullet to poverty alleviation and energy security. After billions of dollars and millions of livelihoods were compromised, the dream collapsed. Lets invest in research first and agree that there never were, and never will be, one-stop solutions and silver bullets.]