[A hockey stick sales projection, the holy grail of entrepreneurs, shows product sales magically rocketing up like the shaft of a hockey stick. Such ambitious forecasts rarely materialize and even very successful companies take much longer to achieve significant sales and profits.]
Frame Changers #129: Man Proposes; Gates Foundation Disposes
[The Gates Foundations Grand Challenges Explorations grant proposals are just 2-pages for a $100,000 grant that explores brave high-risk high-rewards ideas. Unfortunately, they don’t provide any feedback whatsoever on rejected proposals, making it hard to reframe, revisit, and reapply.]
Frame Changers #128: Its About Performance; Not Passion or Potential
Frame Changers #127: (Unnecessary) Limits on Engagement
Frame Changers #126: One Macbook Per Child?
[The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project is a classic example of a program tailored to the ambitions and assumptions of the funders than the real validated needs of the people and a solid business model. Regular PCs with Windows (so that people can install all the pirated software in the world) would likely have done better… though, I reckon, children would have preferred Macbook Airs.]
Frame Changers #125: Always Room For One More
[Matatus are mini-vans used for public transport across the African continent. While they are supposed to seat 10-14 passengers, they can have as many as 30 passengers crammed in alongside some goats, hens, or even a cow. Their simple motto of “there’s always room for one more” can be applied to many facets of life.]
Frame Changers #124: Concepts Across Cultures
[Concepts don’t always travel across cultures. While “personal technology” in the western world typically refers to electronic gadgets like smartphones and wearable devices, it might have a very different interpretation and connotation in another culture.]
Frame Changers #123: From Reflection to Strategy and Execution
[Reflection on the venture, business strategy, implementation approach, and partnerships is extremely important when working in different cultural contexts. However, questioning and doubting yourself every step of the way is unproductive…ventures advance forward when reflection informs strategy and execution… with a certain level of professionalism.]
Frame Changers #122: Whose Duty Is It, Anyway?
Frame Changers #121:Disruptive Innovation
[Disruptive innovation is about creating new markets and value networks while obsoleting old and less-efficient ways of solving problems. However, disruptive innovations can unsettle people and their livelihoods when they are first introduced.]