Frame Changers #29: Life of a Professor
Frame Changers #28: John Galt 2020
Frame Changers #27: African Entrepreneurs’ Privilege
Frame Changers #26: Bridges That Separate Us
Frame Changers #25: Bring Back the Middlemen
[Millions of smallholders depend on millions of trusted middlemen to get their produce into the marketplace. Removing them makes sense only if the new systems and relationships are reliable and truly sustainable. Read Kochia Chronicles; Mzungu Memories- A Conversation over Busaa for examples of how outsiders can disrupt trade relationships and supply chains.]
Frame Changers #24: Impact: Passion, Obsession or Delusion?
Frame Changers #23: Cultural Stereo Types
Frame Changers #22: Sun-Roasted Goat Anyone?
Frame Changers #21: Go Straight to the Point
[Urgent vs. Critical vs. Essential! Whether it be a venture pitch or actual operations, prioritization is often difficult. Its even harder prioritizing your innovation strategy and budget.]