Congratulation Tianjun, Amin, Melike on the new paper in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics!

Congratulations to Tianjun, Amin, and Melike on their new paper in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics! We have shown >50% propulsive efficiency for pitching 3D foils with tailored non-uniform flexibility. Check it out! Optimal foil:…Continue Reading Congratulation Tianjun, Amin, Melike on the new paper in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics!

Postdoctoral Research Associate Opportunity!

I’m looking for a strong postdoc candidate in experimental fluid mechanics to work with on our collaborative ARPA-E project: Bio-Inspired Renewable Energy (BIRE) hydrokinetic turbine for electricity generation. I believe that diversity makes our team stronger.  Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. See the advertisement below: Postdoctoral Research Associate Opportunity…Continue Reading Postdoctoral Research Associate Opportunity!