Student Profiles
- The 2022 cohort's tents below Dragon's Head Peak at the end of their first week of NOLS. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- The 2022 cohort poses for a photo on their first NOLS summit at Dragon's Head Peak in the Wind River Range of Wyoming.
- Holly Fasching, '26, poses on the summit of Dragon's Head Peak after her first week during NOLS in the Wind River Range of Wyoming.
- A view over the Wind River Range of Wyoming during NOLS. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- NOLS instructor Pablo teaches students about the South American drink, mate, while on the summit of Dragon's Head Peak in the Wind River Range of Wyoming.
- Lizard Head Meadows in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. The team had their first NOLS re-ration here. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- NOLS instructor Pablo Cuadra with Tino Chibvuri, '26, on day one of the three-week backpacking excursion.
- Holly Fasching, '26, has laid out all of her gear for the three-week backpacking expedition with NOLS.
- The 2022 Lehigh Launch cohort poses after receiving their NOLS certificates in Pinedale, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- The entrance to Mountain Springs Ranch in Boulder, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Trinity Trainor, '26 (left), inspects the drawing Adam Zimmerman, '26 (right), has made during a mindfulness lesson with Professor Barry Kroll. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Professor Barry Kroll analyzes the novel "Shane" with students. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Looking out over the Wind River Range at Sacred Rim in Wyoming. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Professor Jessica Moore teaching Wildlife and Conservation Biology. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- The living room in the main lodge at Camp GROW (Mountain Springs Ranch). Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- A Camp GROW canoe on the shore of Soda Lake in Boulder, Wyoming. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Students hear from Dean Clause, a wildlife biologist with the Wyoming Fish and Game Department. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- The Unnamed Lake near Scab Creek in Boulder, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- The main lodge at Camp GROW in Boulder, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- A horse at Camp GROW grazes in the sage brush. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Tino Chibvuri, '26, writes an essay for History of the American West with Professor Ann Noble. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Mr. Noble greets the Lehigh Launch students during the 2022 cattle drive. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Noble Land and Livestock drive their cattle downriver to winter grazing lands. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Sam Anderson, '26 (left), and Adam Zimmerman, '26 (right), prepare for a zoom call with students in the Lehigh Launch Ecuador group. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Tino Chibvuri, '26 (left), and Trinity Trainor, '26 (right), talk with the Lehigh Launch Ecuador students over zoom. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- The headwaters of the Green River in Wyoming. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Adam Zimmerman, '26, explores the sage brush. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Jenny Lake and the Grand Tetons in Jackson, Wyoming. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Students search for freshwater invertebrates in Lander, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Petra Oganovich, '26 (left), pans for freshwater invertebrates in Lander, Wyoming. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Cabin D in the first snow at Bishop's Ridge in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- A Pueblo child performs a ritual dance with her mother in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- The Lehigh Launch students explore Petroglyph National Monument in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Lorraine Rwasoka, '26 (left), and Tino Chibvuri, '26 (left), at Petroglyph National Monument in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the first snow of the year. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Students sit along the Santa Fe River. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Professor Jennifer Jensen and students at Bandelier National Monument near Los Alamos, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.
- Three actors pose for a photo during a festival for the Day of The Dead in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Photo by Holly Fasching.
- Professor Ray Pearson conducts in-field water quality testing with students at a soda dam near Los Alamos, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of Exact Rush Multimedia Publishing.