Listed below are Associations, Tools, and Resources to help create and support digital humanities projects.


American Historical Association

American Studies Association Digital Humanities Caucus

Digital Humanities Summer Institute

Mellon Foundation Program in Digital Humanities @ Lehigh University

Modern Language Association

National Council on Public History

North Eastern Public Humanities (NEPHC)

Oral History Association

Organization of American Historians

Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media


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Anthologize – Use the power of WordPress to transform online content into an electronic book.

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Juxta – An open-source tool for comparing and collating multiple witnesses to a single textual work.

Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 5.49.01 PMMendeley – Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network. Make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, cite as you write, and read and annotate your PDFs on any device.

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Omeka – Create complex narratives and share rich collections, adhering to Dublin Core standards with Omeka on  your server, designed for scholars, museums, libraries, archives, and enthusiasts.

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 – Zotero a research tool that automatically senses content in your web browser, allowing you to add it to your    personal library with a single click.