List ten things that make you feel human.
- Sun on my face on a warm day
- The heaviness of the air and the breeze as a summer thunderstorm rolls in
- Being hugged by loved ones
- Really good (spicy) food
- Pride in an accomplishment
- Shared smiles with a stranger
- Making other people happy
- The feeling you get after running
- Fear of losing a loved one
- Crying
Articulate your philosophy of engagement as it pertains to your work with the GSIF / LVSIF.
The plastic waste problem is global, but the Philippines is particularly affected. As a low-resource country, many people are unemployed or low-income and thus living in poverty. I should engage because my background in materials, economics, and sustainability allow me to understand the complex plastic waste problem and its effect on communities. By understanding the complexities, I will be able to find a wholistic solution that results in a systematic change. I should engage because I have access to resources that will enable me to develop technology and a process that allows for systematic change.
I must engage in a way that is sensitive to indigenous knowledge and Filipino culture. Finding a culturally appropriate solution will ensure long-term sustainability of the project and an increased likelihood that the desired outcome will be achieved. Our group is considering the possibility of manufacturing building materials. One of the first possibilities we researched was traditional nipa huts and the feasibility of manufacturing them from plastic. However, we decided that it may be difficult to find a market for plastic nipa huts, as the traditional method is low-cost and engrained in the culture.
I must engage with those who are open to change. Our project is designed to allow entrepreneurs to invest in a system which will provide income and reduce the amount of plastic waste in communities. We are not trying to force new products into a market where there is no demand, but rather develop a process to engage community members if they choose.
I should care about the challenge of finding an appropriate market for our product. Our team is confident in our ability to manufacture goods from recycled plastic, but it is important to ensure that we design a product that will be profitable for the entrepreneurs that purchase our machinery. It will also be essential to create a product that will not exacerbate the plastic waste problem several years down the line, for this reason, product longevity is critical. Additionally, safety of producers and consumers must be considered due to the nature of plastic. Plastics are prone to flammability and failure due to creep, so these vulnerabilities must be addressed to preserve the integrity of our product.
My epitaph might read “driven by compassion and a desire to learn.”