GSIF Fall Week Seven

Describe at least 5 partnerships with individuals and/or organizations that have been formed to support your project and that impact the success or failure of your venture. Please identify partnerships at the individual, team, and Lehigh/GSIF level.

  1. What constituted the partnership
  2. How did the partner help? How did you help them?
  3. Was this a symbiotic relationship? Why or why not?
  4. What would help strengthen this partnership and make it more equitable?


  1. University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) HEED program
    1. UPD has a similar program (HEED) as GSIF for their students. When the GSIF decided to take on the PlasTech Ventures project, the project idea was also presented to UPD. Since the project also aligns with the HEED program, they decided to take it on as well.
    2. The partnership enables the PlasTech Ventures team to obtain direct information about the Philippines. In addition, UPD provides a facility for the PlasTech Ventures team to work at during fieldwork. We provide constant updates on our project to UPD and provide assistance within our capabilities upon request.
    3. No, this is not a symbiotic relationship. Our team oftentimes reach out to the UPD team to request for information that would advance the project. However, responses tend to be slow on their end and communication has slowed down significantly at this point in time. During fieldwork, the relationship is symbiotic and they are constantly present when needed to advance the project forward.
    4. An equal level of commitment between UPD and the PlasTech Ventures team would strengthen this partnership and make it more equitable. Since the UPD team is only committed to the project on a semester basis, the constant change in participants on the project resets the communication between them and the US. In addition, the motivation and feeling of ownership over the project never fully develop for the UPD students involved in the project. 
  2. Victor Paterno (7-Eleven Philippines) 
    1. Being that he is a Filipino businessman, the partnership was constituted to help advise us on venture creation and business development aspects.
    2. He helped us with his expertise and guidance on his particular industry and of the geographic area. At the time, PlasTech Ventures was very new so we helped him by sharing our knowledge and ideas to offer a solution to combat the plastic waste crisis.
    3. This was not a symbiotic relationship because at the time we had little to offer to him. We benefited more from his expertise and knowledge that he offered. 
    4. This partnership was initiated in the beginning stages of development and has not been communicating on a continuous basis so we really need to strengthen our relationship by reaching out to Victor Paterno. A more equitable relationship between Victor and us could be him becoming an entrepreneur and establishing a PlasTech Venture in the Philippines through us while also activating as a business advisor for our PlasTech Ventures initiative.
  3. Philippine Plastic Industry Association (PPIA)
    1. This partnership will help the team understand more of the machinery standards for the Philippines and help us implement the necessary operating procedures.
    2. We both have common goals of reducing the environmental damage created by plastic pollution. By having a common goal we can help each other advance the dream forward. Being that they are in the Philippines they can help us specifically because we are not able to be there full-time. 
    3. This is a symbiotic relationship because while we both have the same goal to reduce environmental damage, we also have other specific goals that each side works to fulfill for the other.  When we help them, we will be helping improve the well-being and financial state of their economy and citizens. When they help us, we are gaining more insight and understandings that will help us develop the project further and make it more feasible
    4. Frequent constant communication between the PPIA and us would strengthen this partnership. Exchanges on how PPIA can expand our reputation in the Philippines and how we can contribute to meeting their company goals such as creating employment opportunities would make our partnership more equitable. 
  4. Jill Manapat
    1. Jill Manapat and Khanjan had a previously established connection with one another. Khanjan played a role in inspiring Jill to start up the HEED program for students to work on impactful projects at UPD. As the director in charge of the HEED program (which is similar to GSIF working on impact-based projects), Jill is almost always willing to provide feedback and guidance to the PlasTech Ventures team.
    2. Ma’am Jill helps our team by offering her expertise about in-country operations. Our team is doing a large majority of the hands-on work, which advances the project forward. We offer our resources and information on our research to Jill.
    3. Yes, this is a symbiotic relationship because her advice is very important. She also has a valuable network in the Philippines that we are able to capitalize on with her help. Our team is responsible for much of the forward progress on this project, which will give her insights on how the HEED program can advance their PlasTech Ventures. 
    4. Sometimes communication is slow, which inhibits our ability to make progress. Constant communication between Jill and PlasTech Ventures would strengthen our relationship and make it more equitable.


  1. Professor Raymond Pearson
    1. This partnership started due to my connections with the Polymer Science & Engineering department. I already conduct research as part of Professor Pearson’s group, so I felt comfortable reaching out to him when I had questions about the role of plastic in our project. He acts more as an academic advisor than a partner, but has been very helpful nonetheless.
    2. Professor Pearson has been helpful in answering several of my questions about polymer processing. He has also graciously allowed the team to use his labs to conduct our research. He aided in identifying appropriate equipment to carry out the experiments.
    3. This is not a very symbiotic relationship because the team is mostly relying on his knowledge and resources. However, any findings have been shared with him, so he is involved and learning as we do. 
    4. To strengthen this partnership and make it more equitable, it will be important to include him in any publication that results from our lab experiments.

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