

Children’s evaluations of empathizers. Child Development.

Smith-Flores, A.S., Bonamy, G.J., & Powell, L.J.

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Infants expect friends, but not rivals, to be happy for each other when they succeed. Developmental Science. 

Smith-Flores, A.S., Herrera-Guevara, I.A., & Powell, L.J.

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Children’s reasoning about empathy and social relationships. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science.

Smith-Flores, A.S., Bonamy, G.J., & Powell, L.J.

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Joint reasoning about social affiliation and emotion. Nature Reviews Psychology.

Smith-Flores, A.S. & Powell, L.J.



“Yay! Yuck!” Toddlers use incongruent emotions to reason about hidden objects. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Smith-Flores, A.S. & Feigenson, L.

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Online measures of looking and learning in infancy. Infancy.

Smith-Flores, A.S., Perez, J., Zhang, M.H., & Feigenson, L.

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Preschoolers represent others’ false beliefs about emotions. Cognitive Development.

Smith-Flores, A.S. & Feigenson, L.


Children’s understanding of economic demand: A dissociation between inference and choice. Cognition.

Smith-Flores, A.S., Applin, J.B., Blake, P.R., & Kibbe, M.M.

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Not choosing leads to not liking: Choice-induced preference in infancy. Psychological Science.

Silver, A.M., Stahl, A.E., Loiotile, R., Smith-Flores, A.S., & Feigenson, L.

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Under Review

Violations of social expectations enhance infants’ learning.

Cao, Q., Smith-Flores, A.S., Zhou, J.X., Perez, J., Feigenson, L. 

Reading the room: Children use joint physical-social reasoning to predict and explain objects’ placements.

Santiago, R.E., Smith-Flores, A.S., Pesowski, M.L., Schachner A.