Reducing Plastic Consumption with Biodegradable Packaging
Team Goals
What are the common personal goals within the members of your team, and how can you leverage those goals to build collaboration?
I want to make this project sustain itself once we finish it at the end of this year and get published -George
Get stuff done -Nick
Do cool lab stuff and make an impact -jing
Get started with lab work and make some progress – Maeve
We all want to work on the project and we all share the same project goals
What are the common project goals within the members of your team, and how can you leverage those goals to make progress?
Make a bioplastic prototype
Finish a research paper draft
Form partnerships in the Philippines
Manufacture bioplastic in the Philippines
Go to conferences and improve ourĀ
What are some biases that might become a barrier to your project goals?
We are all engineers so we may not be as well-equipped when it comes to the business side of our model
People believe that we should reach for something more achievable.
What type of decision-making system will you use and why?
Team decision making: We are a small team so it is still effective for us all to make decisions together, and we can include everyone in our consensus.
As a team of engineers and people from varying backgrounds, we may see things differently, such as different ways to solve a problem or different levels of knowledge on certain things.