1. Identify two SPECIFIC funding sources for the design phase of your project and two SPECIFIC funding sources for the dissemination (implementation / distribution / commercialization) phase of your project. For each funding source, explain why this is a good fit for your project, and what SPECIFIC aspect of your project might the funding source support.
Design Phase –
- P3 Student Design Competition Grant – This is a grant for college students that are working on a project that deals with ensuring clean air and water. It is a good fit for us because only small groups of college students can apply. This may slightly increase our chances of getting the grant because we will not be competing against those who have been established in the field for years. Additionally, they award a grant to a project that positively contributes to clean air or water. Our project hopes to improve water quality, by limiting the amount of plastic pollution that ends up in oceans. This grant will be used to purchase the various ingredients, such as plasticizer, corn starch, corn husks, baking soda, and other lab supplies we will need when developing our bio pellet.
- Environmental Research and Education Foundation Grant – The Environmental Research and Education Foundation focuses on alleviating the impacts of climate change. They believe that the best way to do this is by creating a circular economy. Our project fits this description because we are using agricultural waste to create packaging that will eventually decompose. This grant will support the costs of testing our prototype. For example, we will need to figure out under what conditions our packaging will decompose.
Dissemination Phase –
- Plastic Solutions Fund – The Plastic Solutions Fund gives grants to various projects that focus on limiting plastic production. One of these projects is a sustainable food pantry that set up a bag collection system to reduce their amount of waste. People could take a reusable bag home with them and would either reuse it when they went back or return it. Our project focuses on the same issue: reducing plastic production. Our project is similar to the others that were funded by the Plastic Solutions Fund. We would use the grant to create more partnerships so that our bio plastics could be used on a larger scale.
- United States Agency of International Development – The United States Agency of International Development offers a grant to projects working on reducing plastic pollution. They are looking for a venture that has a clear and direct plan of how they will impact plastic production. Our project provides a clear plan of how we will do this. Our goal is to encourage the use of biodegradable packaging instead of regular plastics. We would use this grant to set up the facility we will need in the Philippines to create our bio pellets.
2. Identify five specific partnerships that you need to forge to advance your project forward with the ultimate goal of positively impacting at least one million people. Describe exactly how that partnership might help you achieve scale and why that entity might be willing to work with you.
- Packaging Manufacturer – We will sell our bio pellets to a packaging manufacturer that will make them into utensils, to-go containers etc. We need this partner in the steps of production because they will turn our bio pellets into a useful product. We hope that they will have incentive to work with us because our bio pellets will be made locally by working with farmers in the Philippines.
- Farming Business – We plan to purchase agricultural waste in the form of corn husks. This is a key ingredient in the production of our bio pellets. We hope that we will be able to form this partnership if we pay a competitive price for the agricultural waste that would offset the other potential uses of the waste such as fertilizer or livestock feed.
- Restaurants/ Street Vendor – We want to find restaurants and street vendors that would be interested in using biodegradable packaging. We would set them up with the packaging manufacturer from which they could buy their food containers and utensils. We hope that these restaurants and street vendors will be willing to work with us because of the environmental benefits of our packaging.
- DTI Bureau of Product Standards – This is the department in the Philippines that sets the standards for food and packaging. We will need to make sure our product fits their standards before putting it on the market. The DTI Bureau of Product Standards will hopefully have motivation to work with us because of the environmental benefits of our product.
- Production Employee – We will need to hire someone who will produce the bio pellets. This is a crucial step because we need bio pellets to deliver to the packaging manufacturer. The incentives from someone to work for us are the salary and that it can just be a part time gig.
3. Complete working through the 14-page question document, with all questions identified as green (and answered), yellow (with how you could answer), or red (with how you will answer). Your red questions will serve as the nucleus for conversations during our class next week.